2007-07-04  Takeru INOUE  <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>

	* release 0.0.7:
	* Google/Data/JSON.pm:
	- add an argument ( KeyAttr => {} ) to XMLin, to avoid that
	  element <id>'s are understood as identities of thier parent

2007-06-10  Takeru INOUE  <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>

	* release 0.0.6:
	* Google/Data/JSON.pm:
	- change XML version as string ('1.0')

2007-03-23  Takeru INOUE  <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>

	* release 0.0.5:
	* Google/Data/JSON.pm:
	- use JSON::Syck (instead of JSON)

2007-03-04  Takeru INOUE  <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>

	* release 0.0.4:
	* Google/Data/JSON.pm:
	- rename hash to hashref

2007-03-02  Takeru INOUE  <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>

	* release 0.0.3:
	* Google/Data/JSON.pm:
	- change: internal data is stored as Perl reference
	- add gdata(), a shortcut for Google::Data::JSON->new()
	- change "push @Elements to add_elements()" to get_elements()
	- remove set() method
	- remove Storable::dclone from _fix_keys() _force_array() for
	   performance reason
	- re-implement as_xxx() methods without AUTOLOAD
        - add openSearch elements to @Elements

2007-02-22  Takeru INOUE  <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>

        * release 0.0.2:
	* Google/Data/JSON.pm
	- implement OOP interface
        - add app/gd elements to @Elements

2007-02-20  Takeru INOUE  <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>

        * release 0.0.1:
	- created by module-starter --module=Foo:Bar