Revision history for Perl extension Waft.

    - fixed a UTF-8 problem in initializing a page
    - modified code to get script basename and added a few tests
    - other minor spec changes
    - added pod for DISPATCH 

0.99_01  Sun Aug 31 22:09:14 2008
    - complete rewrite
    - fixed to run undef taint mode
    - add processing about template
        - return 'not_found.html' when not found
        - return 'internal_server_error.html' when failed to stat()
        - return 'forbidden.html' when failed to open()
        - add action methods of these pages
    - other minor spec changes and bug fixes

0.52  Fri Dec 28 11:58:36 2007
    - original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
        -AX -n Waft -v 0.52