Revision history for Tapper-Reports-Receiver-Level2-BenchmarkAnything

5.0.4     2024-12-02
        - no longer do process_raw_result_queue() for BenchmarkAnything
          but require this to be done by the dedicated daemon aka.

5.0.3     2016-03-11
        - aggregated TAP metrics track suitename as additional key

5.0.2     2016-03-03
        - also track TAP success_ratio
        - refactor TAP summary metric names
        - drop 'exit' and 'wait' from attributes
        - fix Data::Dumper format config which broke tap_dom serialization

5.0.1     2016-02-26
        - optionally auto-generate metrics about the incoming TAP
        - utilize BenchmarkAnything's queueing and batch processing
          for safety and performance

5.0.0     2016-02-19
        - a level2 receiver to handle BenchmarkAnything data