Revision history for Perl extension tTemplate
0.1.9 08/11/05(水) 15:56:14
- change triming function
0.1.8 08/11/04(火) 17:24:05
- add operator call coderef,args,...
- add operator call obj,"method",args,... you will must quote method name.
- add operator makearray ... to generate array reference,
- add operator makehash ... to generate hash reference. you will must quote each hash key.
0.1.7 08/11/04(火) 16:21:20
- add $$ to reference template object itself.
- add operator push,pop,shift,unshift
- customize trimming using $$trim stack.
- add %while
- add list operator (print,join,scalar) and comma operator
- add block label
- add %break,%continue
- add multi statement in single tag
- change %eval to %evalperl and %eval is now used to write non-print expression.
0.1.4 08/11/01(土) 15:23:09
- change behavor of length that returns count of array or key of hash if value is reference.
0.1.3 08/10/31(金) 17:14:57
- add expression support.
0.1.2 08/10/27(月) 20:29:21
- cpanize this module. thanks for pmsetup by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa.
0.1.1 08/10/27(月)
- dataspecとifをevalを強化した。あとしばらくは記法が安定しないだろう…。
0.1.0 08/10/26