package DBSchema::Sample; use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use DBIx::AnyDBD; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); # Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export # names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead. # Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants. # This allows declaration use DBSchema::Sample ':all'; # If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK # will save memory. our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( ) ] ); our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } ); our @EXPORT = qw(load ); our $VERSION = '0.08'; # Preloaded methods go here. # Building Makefile for DBSchame::Sample # Ignore the following DBD Drivers my %drivers; my %ignore = ('ExampleP' => 1, 'NullP' => 1, 'Sponge' => 1, 'Proxy' => 1, 'File' => 1) ; my %datasource = ('Pg' => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=test', 'SQLite' => 'dbi:SQLite:test', 'mysql' => 'dbi:mysql:dbname=test', ) ; ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub MY::test_via_script { my ($txt) = shift -> MM::test_via_script (@_) ; $txt =~ s/\$\(TEST_FILE\)/\$(TEST_FILE) \$(TESTARGS)/g ; return $txt ; } ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetString { my ($prompt, $default) = @_ ; printf ("%s [%s]", $prompt, $default) ; chop ($_ = <STDIN>) ; if (!/^\s*$/) {return $_ ;} else { if ($_ eq "") {return $default ;} else { return "" ; } } } ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetYesNo { my ($prompt, $default) = @_ ; my ($value) ; do { $value = lc (GetString ($prompt . "(y/n)", ($default?"y":"n"))) ; } until (($value cmp "j") == 0 || ($value cmp "y") == 0 || ($value cmp "n" ) == 0) ; return ($value cmp "n") != 0 ; } ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub load { print "\n"; my @prereq = qw(DBI DBIx::AnyDBD); for my $prereq (@prereq) { eval "use $prereq" ; die "\nPlease install $prereq before installing DBSchema::Sample" if ($@) ; my $v = "$prereq::VERSION"; my $v2 = eval $v; print "Found $prereq version $v2\n" ; } my @drvs = DBI::available_drivers () ; my $driversinstalled; foreach my $drv (@drvs) { next if (exists ($ignore{$drv})) ; $drivers{$drv}{dsn} = $datasource{$drv} || "dbi:$drv:test" ; ++$driversinstalled; } unless ($driversinstalled) { die "At least one DBD driver must be installed before running load" ; } print "Found the following DBD drivers:\n" ; my @drivers = sort keys %drivers ; my $i = 1 ; foreach (@drivers) { print "$i.) $_\n" ; $i++ ; } print "\n" ; print "We need an existing datasource for each\n" ; print "DBD driver to populate the database.\n" ; print "Please enter a valid datasource (or accept the default) for each DBD driver\n" ; print "or enter a '.' if you do not want to test DBIx::Recordset against this driver\n" ; print "\n" ; $i = 1 ; my ($user, $pass); foreach my $drv (@drivers) { my $dsn = GetString ("$i.) $drv", $drivers{$drv}{dsn}) ; if ($dsn eq '.') { delete $drivers{$drv} ; } else { $drivers{$drv}{dsn} = $dsn ; $user = GetString ("\tUsername", "undef") ; if ($user ne 'undef') { $drivers{$drv}{user} = $user ; $pass = GetString ("\tPassword", "undef"); $drivers{$drv}{pass} = $pass if ($pass ne 'undef') ; } } $i++ ; } print "\n" ; print "These databases will populated using the following parameters\n" ; @drivers = sort keys %drivers ; for my $D (@drivers) { print "$D \t-> $drivers{$D}{dsn}\t" ; print "user: $drivers{$D}{user}\t" if (defined ($drivers{$D}{user})) ; print "password: $drivers{$D}{pass}" if (defined ($drivers{$D}{pass})) ; print "\n" ; print "Access this database and populate? "; next unless GetYesNo (" > ", ""); my $app_handle = app_handle($drivers{$D}); my $sql = $app_handle->sql; for (@$sql) { warn $_; $app_handle->get_dbh->do($_); } } } sub app_handle { my $c = shift; use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($c); my $attr = { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1 } ; my $class = __PACKAGE__; warn " DBIx::AnyDBD->connect ( $c->{dsn}, $c->{user}, $c->{pass}, $attr, $class # The one difference between DBI and DBIx::AnyDBD ); "; DBIx::AnyDBD->connect ( $c->{dsn}, $c->{user}, $c->{pass}, $attr, $class # The one difference between DBI and DBIx::AnyDBD ); } __END__ # Below is stub documentation for your module. You better edit it! =head1 NAME DBSchema::Sample - build and populate a realistic sample schema. =head1 SYNOPSIS This program builds and populates a small but realistic database. =head1 USAGE / INSTALLATION =over 4 =item * Install whatever database you want MySQL 4.0.14 and SQLite 2.8.6 have been tested =item * Create a database CREATE DATABASE test For SQLite, this step is not necessary. =item * Install DBI =item * Install appropriate DBD DBD::SQLite and DBD::MySQL have been tested =item * Install DBSchema::Sample When it follows the prereqs, it installs L<DBIx::AnyDBD>. =item * Load the Database perl -MDBSchema::Sample -e load Follow the prompts for DBI connection information and the tables will be built and populated. SQLite users: when this command is run, be sure to run it in a directory where there is no directory named the same as your database and if there is a file with the name of your database, that file is in fact your database. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION This creates the database schema discussed in "The Practical SQL Handbook by Bowman, Emerson and Darnovsky" (Addison-Wesley). It is useful to have something like this when you want to play around with a DBI wrapper (or 12) but don't feel like creating a realistic schema and populating it with sensible data. =head2 EXPORT load() =head1 SCHEMA DESCRIPTON =head2 authors =1:n=> titleauthors =head2 titles =1:n=> titleauthors =head3 Therefore authors =n:n=> titles =head2 titles =1:n=> titleditors =head2 editors =1:n=> titleditors =head3 Therefore editors =n:n=> titles =head2 titles =1:n=> roysched At first, I didn't understand how a title could have more than one royalty, then I realized that a title has varying royalties based on the total volume sold. =head2 publishers =1:n=> titles =head2 titles =1:n=> salesdetails =head2 sales =1:n=> salesdetails =head3 Therefore titles =n:n=> sales =head1 AUTHOR T. M. Brannon, =head1 SEE ALSO L<DBIx::AnyDBD> L<DBD::mysql> L<DBD::SQLite> L<DBIx::Recordset::Playground> L<Class::DBI> L<DBI> =cut