package DBSchema::Sample;

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;

use DBIx::AnyDBD;

require Exporter;

our @ISA = qw(Exporter);

# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.

# This allows declaration	use DBSchema::Sample ':all';
# If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK
# will save memory.
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw(
) ] );

our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );

our @EXPORT = qw(load
our $VERSION = '0.08';

# Preloaded methods go here.

# Building Makefile for DBSchame::Sample

# Ignore the following DBD Drivers

my %drivers;

my %ignore = ('ExampleP' => 1,
           'NullP'    => 1,
           'Sponge'   => 1,
           'Proxy'   => 1,
	   'File'     => 1) ;

my %datasource = ('Pg'     => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=test',
               'SQLite' => 'dbi:SQLite:test',
               'mysql'  => 'dbi:mysql:dbname=test',
	       ) ;

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub MY::test_via_script 
	my ($txt) = shift -> MM::test_via_script (@_) ;

	$txt =~ s/\$\(TEST_FILE\)/\$(TEST_FILE) \$(TESTARGS)/g ;

	return $txt ;

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub GetString
	my ($prompt, $default) = @_ ;

	printf ("%s [%s]", $prompt, $default) ;
	chop ($_ = <STDIN>) ;
	if (!/^\s*$/)
	    {return $_ ;}
        if ($_ eq "")
	        {return $default ;}
            { return "" ; }

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub GetYesNo
	my ($prompt, $default) = @_ ;
	my ($value) ;

	    $value = lc (GetString ($prompt . "(y/n)", ($default?"y":"n"))) ;
	until (($value cmp "j") == 0 || ($value cmp "y") == 0 || ($value cmp "n" ) == 0) ;

	return ($value cmp "n") != 0 ;

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub load {

  print "\n";

  my @prereq = qw(DBI DBIx::AnyDBD);

  for my $prereq (@prereq) {

    eval "use $prereq" ;

    die "\nPlease install $prereq before installing DBSchema::Sample" if ($@) ;
    my $v = "$prereq::VERSION";
    my $v2 = eval $v;
    print "Found $prereq version $v2\n" ;


  my @drvs = DBI::available_drivers () ;

  my $driversinstalled;

  foreach my $drv (@drvs)
      next if (exists ($ignore{$drv})) ;
      $drivers{$drv}{dsn} = $datasource{$drv} || "dbi:$drv:test" ;


  unless ($driversinstalled)
	"At least one DBD driver must be installed before running load" ;

  print "Found the following DBD drivers:\n" ;

  my @drivers = sort keys %drivers ;
  my $i = 1 ;

  foreach (@drivers)
      print "$i.) $_\n" ;
      $i++ ;

  print "\n" ;
  print "We need an existing datasource for each\n" ;
  print "DBD driver to populate the database.\n" ;
  print "Please enter a valid datasource (or accept the default) for each DBD driver\n" ;
  print "or enter a '.' if you do not want to test DBIx::Recordset against this driver\n" ;
  print "\n" ;

  $i = 1 ;
  my ($user, $pass);
  foreach my $drv (@drivers)
      my $dsn = GetString ("$i.) $drv",  $drivers{$drv}{dsn}) ;
      if ($dsn eq '.')
        { delete $drivers{$drv} ; }
	  $drivers{$drv}{dsn} = $dsn ;
	  $user = GetString ("\tUsername", "undef") ;
	  if ($user ne 'undef') 
	      $drivers{$drv}{user} = $user ;        
	      $pass = GetString ("\tPassword", "undef");
	      $drivers{$drv}{pass} = $pass if ($pass ne 'undef') ;        
      $i++ ;

  print "\n" ;
  print "These databases will populated using the following parameters\n" ;

  @drivers = sort keys %drivers ;
  for my $D (@drivers)
      print "$D \t-> $drivers{$D}{dsn}\t" ;
      print "user: $drivers{$D}{user}\t" if (defined ($drivers{$D}{user})) ;
      print "password: $drivers{$D}{pass}"  if (defined ($drivers{$D}{pass})) ;
      print "\n" ;
      print "Access this database and populate? ";
      next unless GetYesNo (" > ", "");

      my $app_handle = app_handle($drivers{$D});  

      my $sql = $app_handle->sql;

      for (@$sql) {
	warn $_;


sub app_handle {

  my $c = shift;

  use Data::Dumper;
  warn Dumper($c);

  my $attr = { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1 } ;
  my $class = __PACKAGE__;

  warn "
	 $class # The one difference between DBI and DBIx::AnyDBD

	 $class # The one difference between DBI and DBIx::AnyDBD


# Below is stub documentation for your module. You better edit it!

=head1 NAME

DBSchema::Sample - build and populate a realistic sample schema.


This program builds and populates a small but realistic database.


=over 4

=item * Install whatever database you want

MySQL 4.0.14 and SQLite 2.8.6 have been tested

=item * Create a database


For SQLite, this step is not necessary. 

=item * Install DBI

=item * Install appropriate DBD

DBD::SQLite and DBD::MySQL have been tested

=item * Install DBSchema::Sample

When it follows the prereqs, it installs L<DBIx::AnyDBD>.

=item * Load the Database

 perl -MDBSchema::Sample -e load

Follow the prompts for DBI connection information
and the tables will be built and populated.

SQLite users: when this command is run, be sure to run it in a directory where
there is no directory named the same as your database and if there is a file
with the name of your database, that file is in fact your database.



This creates the database schema discussed in "The Practical SQL Handbook 
by Bowman, Emerson and Darnovsky" (Addison-Wesley). 
It is useful to have something like this when you want to
play around with a DBI wrapper (or 12) but don't feel like 
creating a realistic schema and populating it with sensible data.

=head2 EXPORT



=head2 authors =1:n=> titleauthors

=head2 titles  =1:n=> titleauthors

=head3 Therefore authors =n:n=> titles

=head2 titles  =1:n=> titleditors

=head2 editors =1:n=> titleditors

=head3 Therefore editors =n:n=> titles

=head2 titles  =1:n=> roysched

At first, I didn't understand how a title could have more
than one royalty, then I realized that a title has
varying royalties based on the total volume sold.

=head2 publishers =1:n=> titles

=head2 titles     =1:n=> salesdetails

=head2 sales      =1:n=> salesdetails

=head3 Therefore titles =n:n=> sales

=head1 AUTHOR

T. M. Brannon,

=head1 SEE ALSO

