Revision history for Perl extension Authen-TOTP


0.1.0 2023-10-02
    - Tidy up the documentation a bit

0.0.9 2023-10-02
    - Merge OTP method PR from mdeweerd 

0.0.8 2023-09-29
    - Remove usage of MIME::Base32::XS, in favor of the faster Encode::Base2N

0.0.7 2020-07-02T11:07:50Z
    - Moved git repo to github
    - Added file
    - Changed gen_secret() to accept secret length as argument and made 20 the default

0.0.6 2020-06-18T15:28:22Z
    - Add (pointless really) requires in cpanfile

0.0.5 2020-06-18T15:25:16Z
    - Correctly handle either/or modules in cpanfile and module

0.0.4 2020-06-18T14:50:16Z
    - Added missing test vectors
    - Switched to Digest::SHA for SHA256 and SHA512 support

0.0.3 2020-06-17T11:17:16Z
    - use Build.PL directly instead of cpanfile only
    - Switched to L<Digest::SHA> in order to support SHA256 and SHA512 as well

0.0.2 2020-06-17T09:42:28Z

    - Added Digest::HMAC_SHA1 and MIME::Base32 to cpanfiles requires

0.0.1 2020-06-16T18:44:04Z

    - original version