package EntityModel::Template; BEGIN { $EntityModel::Template::VERSION = '0.006'; # TRIAL } use EntityModel::Class { }; =head1 NAME EntityModel::Template - template handling for L<EntityModel> =head1 VERSION version 0.006 =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION =cut use Template; use Template::Stash; use File::Basename; use Tie::Cache::LRU; use DateTime::Format::Duration; use POSIX qw/floor/; tie my %longDateHash, 'Tie::Cache::LRU', 5000; tie my %shortDateHash, 'Tie::Cache::LRU', 5000; my $templateCache; our $BasePath = '.'; =head2 fromNow Duration from/since now =cut sub fromNow { my $v = shift; return ' ' unless $v; $v = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $1) if !ref($v) && $v =~ /^(\d+)$/; my $delta = $v->epoch - time; my $neg; if($delta < 0) { $neg = 1; $delta = -$delta; } my @p; my @match = ( second => 60, minute => 60, hour => 24, day => 30, month => 12, year => 0 ); while($delta && @match) { my $k = shift @match; my $m = shift @match; my $unit = $m ? ($delta % $m) : $delta; $delta = floor($delta / $m) if $m; unshift @p, "$unit $k" . ($unit != 1 ? 's' : ''); } # Don't show too much resolution @p = splice(@p, 0, 2) if @p > 2; my $pattern = join(', ', @p); return $pattern . ($neg ? ' ago' : ' from now'); } BEGIN { # Convenience functions so we can do something.arrayref and be sure to get back something FOREACH-suitable $Template::Stash::LIST_OPS->{ arrayref } = sub { my $list = shift; return $list; }; $Template::Stash::HASH_OPS->{ arrayref } = sub { my $hash = shift; return [ $hash ]; }; # hashops since we have datetime object... in theory. $Template::Stash::HASH_OPS->{ msDuration } = sub { my $v = shift; return DateTime::Format::Duration->new(pattern => '%H:%M:%S.%3N')->format_duration($v); }; $Template::Stash::HASH_OPS->{ fromNow } = sub { my $v = shift; return fromNow($v); }; $Template::Stash::HASH_OPS->{ 'ref' } = sub { my $scalar = shift; return ref $scalar; }; $Template::Stash::SCALAR_OPS->{ arrayref } = sub { my $scalar = shift; return [ $scalar ]; }; $Template::Stash::SCALAR_OPS->{ trim } = sub { my $scalar = shift; $scalar =~ s/^\s+//ms; $scalar =~ s/\s+$//ms; return $scalar; }; $Template::Stash::SCALAR_OPS->{ js } = sub { my $str = join('', @_); $str =~ s/"/\\"/ms; return '"' . $str . '"'; }; } sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless { data => { } }, $class; $self->{template} = $templateCache if $templateCache; return $self; } =head2 longDate Long date format filter. =cut sub longDate { my ($v, $fmt) = @_; return ' ' unless $v; unless ($longDateHash{$v}) { my $dt; if($v =~ m/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s+(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.(\d+))?$/) { my ($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second, $us) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7); $dt = DateTime->new( year => $year, month => $month, day => $day, hour => $hour, minute => $minute, second => $second, nanosecond => 1000 * ($us // 0) ); } else { $dt = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $v); } $longDateHash{$v} = $dt->strftime('%e %b %Y, %l:%M %P'); } return $longDateHash{$v}; } =head2 shortDate Short date format filter. =cut sub shortDate { my ($v, $fmt) = @_; return ' ' unless $v; unless ($shortDateHash{$v}) { my $dt; if($v =~ m/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/) { my ($year, $month, $day) = ($1, $2, $3); $dt = new DateTime( year => $year, month => $month, day => $day, ); } else { $dt = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $v); } my $suffix = 'th'; if(($dt->day % 10) == 1 && ($dt->day != 11)) { $suffix = 'st'; } elsif(($dt->day % 10) == 2 && ($dt->day != 12)) { $suffix = 'nd'; } elsif(($dt->day % 10) == 3 && ($dt->day != 13)) { $suffix = 'rd'; } $shortDateHash{$v} = $dt->strftime("%d$suffix %b"); } return $shortDateHash{$v}; } =head2 ymdDate YMD date filter =cut sub ymdDate { my ($v, $fmt) = @_; return ' ' unless $v; my $dt; if($v =~ m/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/) { my ($year, $month, $day) = ($1, $2, $3); return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", $year, $month, $day); } else { $dt = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $v); } return $dt->strftime('%Y-%m-%d'); } =head2 tidyYMD YMD date filter =cut sub tidyYMD { my ($v, $fmt) = @_; return ' ' unless $v; my $dt; if($v =~ m/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/) { my ($year, $month, $day) = ($1, $2, $3); return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", $year, $month, $day); } else { $dt = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $v); return $dt->strftime('%Y-%m-%d'); } } =head2 trackDuration Convert duration to MM:SS representation. =cut sub trackDuration { my ($v, $fmt) = @_; return ' ' unless $v; return sprintf('%02d:%02d', int($v / 60), int($v % 60)); } =head2 template Return the TT2 object, created as necessary. =cut sub template { my $self = shift; unless($self->{template}) { # We want access to _ methods, such as _view, so disable this. undef $Template::Stash::PRIVATE; my @early = qw(Util.tt2 Form.tt2 Menu.tt2 Content.tt2 General.tt2); my @modules = grep { !($_ ~~ [@early, 'Page.tt2']) } map { basename($_) } glob($BasePath . '/template/*.tt2'); foreach my $path (qw(Entity)) { push @modules, map { $path . '/' . basename($_) } glob($BasePath . '/template/' . $path . '/*.tt2'); } logDebug("Path [%s]", $BasePath . '/template'); logDebug("Early module: [%s]", $_) foreach @early; logDebug("Regular module: [%s]", $_) foreach @modules; my %cfg = ( INCLUDE_PATH => [ $BasePath . '/template', '/home/tom/dev/EntityModel/template' ], PRE_PROCESS => [ @early, @modules ], INTERPOLATE => 0, ABSOLUTE => 0, RELATIVE => 0, RECURSION => 1, AUTO_RESET => 0, STAT_TTL => 5, COMPILE_DIR => '/tmp/ttc', # $BasePath . '/ttc', # COMPILE_DIR => undef, CACHE_SIZE => 4096, PRE_DEFINE => { # cfg => \%EntityModel::Config::Current, # imageHost => 'http://' . EntityModel::Config::ImageHost, # scriptHost => 'http://' . EntityModel::Config::ScriptHost, }, FILTERS => { longDate => [ sub { my ($context, @args) = @_; return sub { return longDate(shift, @args); } }, 1 ], shortDate => [ sub { my ($context, @args) = @_; return sub { return shortDate(shift, @args); } }, 1 ], ymdDate => [ sub { my ($context, @args) = @_; return sub { return ymdDate(shift, @args); } }, 1 ], tidyYMD => [ sub { my ($context, @args) = @_; return sub { return tidyYMD(shift, @args); } }, 1 ], fromNow => [ sub { my ($context, @args) = @_; return sub { return fromNow(shift, @args); } }, 1 ], trackDuration => [ sub { my ($context, @args) = @_; return sub { return trackDuration(shift, @args); } }, 1 ], }, PLUGINS => { calendar => 'EntityModel::Template::Plugin::Calendar' } ); #$cfg{CONTEXT} = new Template::Timer(%cfg) if EntityModel::Config::Debug; my $tmpl = Template->new(%cfg) or die Template->error; $self->{ template } = $tmpl; $templateCache = $tmpl; } return $self->{ template }; } sub mergeData { my ($self, $origData) = @_; my %data = %{$self->{data}}; foreach my $k (keys %$origData) { $data{$k} = $origData->{$k}; } return \%data; } =head2 asText Return template output as text. =cut sub asText { my ($self, $template, $newData) = @_; my $data = $self->mergeData($newData); my $output; my $tt = $self->template; $tt->process($template, $data, \$output) || die 'Failed template: ' . $tt->error; return $output; } =head2 processHTML Process HTML data. =cut sub processHTML { my ($self, $template, $newData) = @_; my $data = $self->mergeData($newData); my $tt = $self->template; my $output; $tt->process($template, $data, \$output) || die 'Failed template: ' . $tt->error; if(0) { my $origSize = length($output); $output =~ s/<!--(.*?)-->//g; my $tidy = HTML::Tidy->new({ tidy_mark => 0, 'preserve-entities' => 1, wrap => 160, 'char-encoding' => 'utf8', indent => 0 }); $output = $tidy->clean($output); my $finalSize = length($output); logDebug("From %d to %d: %3.2f%%", $origSize, $finalSize, (100.0 * $finalSize/$origSize)); } return $output; } =head2 output Generate output via Apache2 print. =cut sub output { my ($self, $template, $newData, $r) = @_; my $data = $self->mergeData($newData); logInfo("Output"); my $output = $self->processHTML($template, $data); if($r) { $r->content_type('text/html') if $r; $r->no_cache(1); $r->setLifetime(0); $r->print($output); } else { print $output; } } =head2 error Handle any TT2 error messages. =cut sub error { my $self = shift; return $self->template->error; } sub addData { my ($self, $data) = @_; foreach (keys %$data) { $self->{data}->{ $_ } = $data->{$_}; } return $self; } 1; __END__ =head1 AUTHOR Tom Molesworth <> =head1 LICENSE Copyright Tom Molesworth 2008-2011. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.