Revision history for Net-Async-Github

0.008     2020-11-26 14:53:58+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    New features:

    - support for creating commits (thanks Chylli)

    Bugs fixed:

    - pull request creation should actually work now

0.007     2020-10-28 07:34:00+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    New features:

    - ->create_pr for creating a new pull request

    Bugs fixed:

    - some methods were trying to use the legacy ->request method, which was removed
    in favour of ->http_post/put/patch/get

0.006     2020-06-29 01:03:13+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    No new features.

    Bugs fixed:

    - set `reset` limit as soon as possible, to avoid 'Use of uninitialized value in addition` warnings,
    thanks to @chylli-binary (Github #1)

0.005     2019-02-04 13:08:29+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    New features:

    - branch protection handling
    - ->get_content for retrieving a specific file

0.004     2018-12-21 12:28:30+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    New features:

    - basic support for PR merging and deleting
    - some initial support for teams

0.003     2017-05-21 23:25:58+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    No new features.

    Bugs fixed:

    * Net::Async::HTTP and Net::Async::WebSocket listed as explicit dependencies

0.002     2017-05-12 00:11:11+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    Bugs fixed:

    * endpoints.json was not being picked up correctly after installation
    * IO::Async dependency missing in cpanfile (thanks to DBOOK for catching this)

0.001     2017-05-11 22:46:54+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
	* Initial release