Revision history for Tickit-Widget-Layout-Desktop
0.008 2015-02-06 18:23:07+00:00 Europe/London
New features:
* ->close_panel support for closing the window and removing a panel
0.007 2015-02-04 01:24:25+00:00 Europe/London
New features:
* Re-enabled rounded corners
* Tickit 0.48+, for ->get_cell translation handling
0.006 2015-01-24 14:00:26+00:00 Europe/London
New features:
* New panels can be given position in %, and there is now suppport for
'right' and 'bottom' attributes (distance from bottom and right of the
desktop, respectively)
* Disabled rounded corners, since ->get_cell has changed in newer Tickit
0.005 2014-08-31 15:00:19+01:00 Europe/London
No new features.
Bugs fixed:
* Stick-to-bottom-right behaviour - was using the wrong value for lines,
causing windows to leap to full height occasionally for no good reason
* Panels now get a default position if none provide in ->create_panel
0.004 2014-08-31 01:22:30+01:00 Europe/London
New features:
* Menu popup for max/min/weld/close features
* Restore windows after maximise
0.003 2014-08-20 19:59:52+01:00 Europe/London
New features:
* Ability to join edges on windows for moving things in parallel
* Clamp-to-edge
* Rounded corners are back
Bugs fixed:
* Expose handling improved, slightly faster but still plenty of room
for optimisation.
* When moving windows, limit them to the available space
0.002 2014-08-16 18:24:47+01:00 Europe/London
No new features.
Documentation updates:
* Provide a screenshot to make things slightly more obvious
0.001 2014-08-16 18:15:28+01:00 Europe/London
Initial CPAN release