Revision history for WebService-Amazon-DynamoDB

0.003     2015-01-26 17:10:37+00:00 Europe/London
	No new features.

	Bugs fixed:
	* No longer overrides the default IAM endpoint

	* WebService::Amazon::IAM added

0.002     2015-01-26 16:36:17+00:00 Europe/London
	Note that you should be using Amazon::DynamoDB unless you *really* have
	a good reason to be looking at this module. Most of the current development
	here is only intended to support the DynamoDB server implementation.

	New features:
	* Role support (security=iam)
	* Updated signature handling (should work on dynamodb-local and real AWS,
	plus the DynamoDB perl implementation)
	* Basic logging goes through Log::Any 

0.001     2013-11-01 08:17:19 Europe/London
	Initial CPAN release