Revision history for Perl extension Graph::Regexp

2008-04-12 v0.03 Tels 52 tests
  * require Graph::Easy v0.62 (for various bugfixes)
  * add support for the following nodes:
    + ^ (BOL)
    + $ (EOL)
    + \z (EOS)
    + \Z (SEOL)
    + \A (SBOL)

2006-10-27 v0.03 Tels 25 tests
  * really works now for common regexps
  * get rid of Regexp::Parser
  * require Graph::Easy v0.49 (for various bugfixes)

2006-08-06 v0.02 Tels 10 tests
  * some fixes to the logic by using Regexp::Parser
  * fix the POD to get rid of Copy&Paste nonsense
  * prepare for release

2006-07-24 v0.01 Tels 10 tests (unreleased)
  * require Graph::Easy v0.46
  * require Perl 5.8.1 for Unicode support
  * first version to actually do something nearly usefull