Complete version history


2001-03-24 1.00: first version
2001-03-27 1.01: fixed up documentation
2001-06-15 1.02: fixed documentation to match current version
		 added tests for band(), bior(), bxor(), bceil(), bfloor(),
		 bnan() and binf()
2001-06-29 1.03: fixed copy(); added tests for bgcd() and blcm()
2002-02-10 1.04 Tels 72 tests
  * broken out from Math::Big
  * added blog()/bfac()/band() to the testsuite
2004-01-12 1.05 Tels 103 tests
  * added bfround(), bround(), bfac(), bmodinv(), bmodpow() to tests
  * removed some double tests
  * added some more tests for allowed operations
  * small doc fixes and enhancements
  * converted test file to Test::More
2005-01-01 1.06 Tels 129 tests
  * require Math::BigInt v1.74
  * use like() in tests
  * write our own META.yml in Makefile.PL to fix License field
2006-03-14 1.07 Tels 129 tests
  * fix failing tests due to 0 vs '' difference

Please send me test-reports, your experiences with this and your ideas - I love
to hear about my work!

Tels <>