Revision history for gen_graph - generate graphs from Perl package use statements
2005-07-10 v0.03 Tels 6 tests
* remove doubles from @INC when running w/o --recurse
* guard against versions with '"' in them (like sprintf etc)
* extract VERSION from "Revision: " style version lines
* add --debug
2005-07-10 v0.02 Tels 5 tests
* add options: --help, --version, --color=i, --nocolor, --recurse, --versions
* implement --recurse, --version
* match also things like "use A ;" (note space)
* change option "path_to_source" to "inc"
* empty --inc uses @INC from Perl
* add basic tests
2005-07-09 v0.01 Tels 0 tests
* first version