2005-06-25 v0.08 Tels 7 tests
  * set an ABSTRACT for CPAN
  * require Graph::Easy v0.20
  * skip SVG tests if Graph::Easy::As_svg is not installed

2005-06-15 v0.07 Tels 7 tests
  * use Graph::Easy v0.19 now
  * support output format SVG
  * die() on unknown output formats

2005-03-11 v0.06 Tels 5 tests
  * add (c) note to Graph.pgp
  * include CHANGES
  * require Graph::Simple v0.14

2005-01-25 v0.05 Tels 5 tests
  * fix the dumb typo in Graph.php
  * graphcnv: no need to remove spaces from lines - a tad faster now

2005-01-24 v0.04 Tels 5 tests
  * rewrote as extension
  * graphcnv: takes no longer unused directory parameters

2005-01-12 v0.03 Tels 5 tests
  * further cleaning of Graph.php - and pass outputmode to graphcnv
  * graphcnv: take outputmode and return HTML or ASCII (wrapped in pre)
  * graphcnv: use Taint mode for security

2005-01-11 v0.02 Tels
  * fixed patch (relative to ., not wiki, thanx Omega!)
  * fixed README up a lot (Thanx again, Omega!)

2005-01-07 v0.01 Tels
  * first try