Revision history for Perl module TestRail::API
0.010 2014-12-03 TEODESIAN
- Dist name was being set to TestRail::API instead of TestRail-API
- Reformatted this file as per CPAN::Changes::Spec
- Added "use 5.010" to the module, to match min perl in metadata
- Made URL in SEE ALSO a hyperlink with L<...>
- Added link to github repo in pod
0.009 2014-11-28 TEODESIAN
- Oops, forgot my Test deps
0.008 2014-11-28 TEODESIAN
- Explicitly include Types::Serialiser, correct some POD issues
0.007 2014-08-17 TEODESIAN
- 0.002 to this release: More or less the pursuit of Kwalitee
0.001 2014-07-25 TEODESIAN
- First release to CPAN