v0.5.0  2025-03-17

        - Add base directory detection and path resolution.
        - Detect application root from .psgi file location.
        - Paths are now resolved relative to the application
          base directory.
        - New path method in Minima::App for path resolution.
        - Add ability to customize controller prefixes with
          set_prefix method.
        - Add configuration key for controller prefixes.

        - Fix outdated and broken rendering in print_env method.

v0.4.1  2024-11-21

        - Missing required module in cpanfile.
        - Bad documentation links.

v0.4.0  2024-11-20

        - Added a view for generating JSON responses.
        - Added a view for generating plain text responses.
        - Views can now modify Plack::Responses to configure them as
        - Introduced a dedicated setup subroutine, enabling delayed
          initialization rather than compile-time setup.
        - The main package now includes a default starting point,
          reducing the amount of required setup code.

        - HTML view is now a descendant of the base view class.
        - Corrected typos in the documentation.

v0.3.0  2024-11-11

        - Minima::Router now supports matching HEAD requests to GET
        - Minima::App can automatically remove the response body for
          HEAD requests.
        - Add support to a default data hash in Minima::View::HTML.

        - Version option not working in bin/minima.
        - Minima::Router's clear_routes would not remove special routes.

v0.2.0  2024-10-18

        - New default template file extension.
        - Add configuration option to change the template file

        - Broken documentation links.

v0.1.1  2024-10-05

        - Improve test coverage.
        - Add Hash::MultiValue as a direct requirement.

        - Update customization manual, which mentioned a parameter that
          does not exist anymore.
        - Add missing key in documentation of configuration defaults for

v0.1.0  2024-09-30
        First experimental version.