[0.10] Released 051005

     Fixed stupid bug in newest Policy modules.  They were returning
     PPI objects instead of Perl::Critic::Violation objects.  Doh!

     Fixed test scripts to prevent failures if the user already has a
     .perlcriticrc file.

     'ProhibitHardTabs' now allows leading tabs by default.

     Put the Changes file in reverse-chronological order, so the most
     recent stuff is easy to find at the top of the file

[0.09] Released 051004

     Fixed several bugs:
     * 14810: Now you are allowed to create your own 'import' function,
              since this is frequently done with fancy modules.
     * 14817: Parens, brackets, and braces are now exluded from
              'ProhibitNoisyQuotes' since they look better in quotes anyway.
     * 14787: $1..$9 and '_' are exempt from ProhibitPunctuationVars
     * 14899: Object methods with the same name as a built-in can
              be called with parens (ProhibitParensWithBuiltins).
     * 14901: Normalized the exit status of perlcritic to 0, 1, or 2.
              See documentation for explanation.
     * 14855: Partially fixed home directory discovery.  Still not
              completely portable, but at least doesn't create warnings.

     New features:
     * 14734: Limit for number separators is now configurable

     New Policy modules:
     * CodeLayout::ProhibitHardTabs
     * ControlStructures::ProhibitUnlessBlocks
     * ControlStructures::ProhibitUntilBlocks
     * ControlStructures::ProhibitCStyleForLoops

     Changed the syntax for the magic comments.  Adam had the
     idea of using a pragma-like notation.  I liked it.

[0.08_2] Released 050927

     Fixed problems with Perl::Critic::Config that caused File::Spec
     to emit 'uninitialized value' warnings during the build.

     Added 1 Policy module contributed by Graham TerMarsch

     Switched from File::Spec::Functions to plain File::Spec because
     I think its usage is more common.

     Removed 'FindBin' from the test files so I can be sure that the
     right libraries are getting loaded.  This means I'll have to
     use the -l option with C<prove>.

     Edited more POD.

[0.08_01] Not released

     Fixed "ProhibitParensWithBuiltins" to allow parens to be used with
     object method calls that have the same name as a builtin functions.

     Introduced magical comments that allow developers to configure 
     Perl::Critic on-the-fly from within their code.

     Added META.yml files and POD tests to the build.  I did this
     mostly just to boost the Kwalitee score on CPANTS.

     Switched from "Config::Std" to "Config::Tiny" because it doesn't
     require those fancy Damian modules that don't seem to work on
     some older versions of Perl.

[0.07] Released on 050921

     Fixed bugs in the ProhibitCascadingIfElse policy.  

     Added ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef policy

     Made ProhibitUnpackagedCode configurable so you can exempt scripts,
     which typically don't have an explicit 'package' statement.

     ProhibitPackageVars policy now exempts vars in ALL_CAPS.  This
     is to permit common package variables like @EXPORT and $VERSION.

     Renamed "ProhibitStringyGrep and "ProhibitStringyMap" because 
     the so-called string form doesn't really exist.  Now called
     "RequireBlockGrep" and "RequireBlockMap" 

     Corrected documentation on defining Policy names within the 
     configuration file.  This still isn't very clear and needs
     to be rewritten.

     Perl::Critic now requires PPI version 1.003, which has a few bug 
     fixes of its own.

     Rewrite some code just to make Perl::Critic more self-compliant.

     Added test cases to verify the configuration functionality.  These
     are not completely thorough and need more work.

[0.06] Released on 050917

     Now called 'Perl::Critic'.  

     Added 4 new policy modules.  
     Fixed bugs in build process.  

     Added support for Module::Build.

[0.05] Released on 050917

     End of 'Perl::Review' releases.  I have changed the name to
     'Perl::Critic' to avoid possible confusion with "The Perl Review"

[0.04] Released on 050914

     Version 0.03 was a bust because I uploaded the wrong tarball to PAUSE.

[0.03] Released on 050913.

     Fixed some POD links.  

     Removed test cases for missing policy module.

[0.02] Released on 050913.

     Major overhaul based on feedback from Perl community.

     Factored coding standards into separate modules (known as
     Policies).  The idea here is to allow other developers to easily
     contribute additional coding standards.

     Reworked Perl::Review into a simple engine for loading and running
     Policy modules.

     Gave perlreview a command-line interface and configuration file
     for selecting which Policy modules to use.

[0.01] Released on 050816.

     Initial version.