#      $URL: http://perlcritic.tigris.org/svn/perlcritic/tags/Perl-Critic-Dynamic-0.04/Changes $
#     $Date: 2007-08-07 13:11:35 -0700 (Tue, 07 Aug 2007) $
#   $Author: thaljef $
# $Revision: 1821 $

[0.04] Released on 2007-08-06

    * Filled out more documentation.
    * Readonly is now an explcit dependency.
    * Added lots of author-time tests.

[0.03]  Not released

     New Features:
     * Added max_recursion configuration parameter.  This allows you
       recurse into modules that have inner packages.  The default is
       0, which means "don't recurse at all".

     * Perl::Critic::Policy::Dynamic has been moved to 
       Perl::Critic::DynamicPolicy because all modules in the
       Perl::Critic::Policy must be concrete classes.

     * Any erros that occur in the child process created
       by Perl::Critic::DynamicPolicy::violates() will be trapped.
       Failure is sent to the parent via the exit code of the child.

[0.02]  Not released

     New Features:
     * Introduced Perl::Critic::Policy::Dynamic.  This is intended
       as a base class for any Policy that is going to compile code
       and do things that muck up the symbol table.

     * ValidateAgainstSymbolTable now compiles your code as-is, 
       which allows it to validate calls to imported subroutines
       and locally declared subs too.

     * ValidateAgainstSymbolTable has several new configuration hooks.
       See POD for details.

     * Added several test cases.

[0.01]  Not released

     First draft