0.025_002 2011-12-02 04:39:19 America/Los_Angeles

     Fixed bugs in the Rebuild action.

     Changed some log messages to be more helpful.

0.025_001 2011-12-02 03:18:26 America/Los_Angeles

     IMPORTANT: This version of Pinto is not compatible with
     repositories built with any prior version.  In theory, you can
     migrate your old repository with the right combination of
     pinto-admin and VCS commands.  If you really want to try
     migrating your old repository, please contact me for guidance.

     Otherwise, you'll have to create a new repository and 'add' each
     of your local distributions again.  If you have foreign
     distributions in your repository then you'll have to 'mirror'
     them again too, but you might not get exactly the same versions
     that you used to have (because they are no longer the 'latest'
     version on CPAN).

     I know this sucks, but it is definitely worth the upgrade.  This
     version of Pinto is faster, more reliable, and packed with new
     features.  And going forward, I'll be able to maintain backward
     compatibility or at least provide an automated migration path.

     * New Features:

     Pinto now uses a SQLite database to store information.  This
     improves performance, reduces memory consumption, and ensures
     data integrity.  Pinto is single threaded and permits only one
     database connection at a time, so it is safe for NFS (or so I've
     been told by SQLite experts).

     Pinto now behaves more like PAUSE, and will accept distributions
     with overlapping packages.  As always, only the 'latest' version
     of a package appears in the index file.  And just like PAUSE,
     Pinto tries to figure out the lineage of packages (i.e.  which
     version came first, second, third, etc.) by looking at version
     numbers and file timestamps.  So you can throw a pile of archives
     at it without having to think about putting them in a certain
     order (See POD for details).  You can also remove a distribution,
     and the "prior" versions of its packages will automatically become
     the latest.

     A Pinto repository can now be used with the cpan[1] utility.  It
     should also work with cpanp[1], but I haven't tried it.  And of
     course it still works with cpanm[1].  However, Pinto does not
     provide a full 01mailrc.txt.gz or 03modlist.data.gz file.  So
     cpan[1] features that rely on those files may not work.

     Pinto can now pull foreign distributions from multiple
     repositories.  You can use this to fall back to another
     repository if one of them is offline (which sometimes happens
     with CPAN mirrors).  Or you can use this to create a network of
     repositories that may each have different sets of distributions.
     I'm not sure if this is actually a good idea, but we'll see.

     Pinto does the-right-thing with development distributions (See
     POD for details).  And each Pinto repository now has a 'devel'
     configuration parameter.  Setting this to a true value instructs
     Pinto to include development releases in the index.  The default
     is false.

     The 'create' command for pinto-admin now accepts options that set
     the parameters in the config file that is generated for the new

     The 'list' command for pinto-admin now accepts a --format option
     that can be used to customize what/how information is displayed.

     The 'remove' command for pinto-admin now works for both foreign
     and local distributions.  However, there is a caveat when
     removing foreign distributions (See POD for details).

     The 'rebuild' command for pinto-admin now has a --recompute
     option that causes Pinto to recompute the 'latest' version
     of all the packages (See POD for details).

     pinto-admin now has a 'manual' command for displaying the full
     manual for a particular command.

     pinto-admin now has a 'version' command for displaying version

     pinto-admin now has a 'purge' command that removes everything
     from your repository.  You'll be prompted for confirmation.

     pinto-admin now has an experimental 'import' command that fetches
     a remote package or distribution (and its dependencies,
     recursively) and puts all of them in your local repository.

     Most of the pinto-admin commands now have aliases.  Thanks to the
     awesomeness of App::Cmd, you can say 'pinto-admin rm' instead of
     'pinto-admin remove'.  The aliases are listed in the manual for
     each command.

     * Other Changes:

     The config files for each Pinto repsoitory are now located in

     The 'list' command for pinto-admin has been neutered.  You can no
     longer specify the --type or --indexed options.  However, the
     output does show whether the package is local/foreign and
     indexed/unindexed, so you can grep on that to narrow the results.
     I'm thinking of developing a query interface to let you select
     which packages/distributions you want to list.

     The VCS tagging mechanism has changed.  Instead of making a tag for
     every commit, a tag is made only when you specify the --tag option.
     You can still put date/time placeholders in your tag name.

     The 'noclobber' configuration setting has been removed, since it
     was never implemented anyway.

     The 'nocleanup' configuration setting is gone, and we no longer
     support automatic cleanup.  Instead, you have to run the 'clean'
     action separately.  You might want to setup a cron job for this.

     The 'update' command is now called 'mirror'.  I know, I keep
     flip-flopping on that.  But I think I've finally settled now.

     The --force option on the 'mirror' (formerly 'update') command is
     no longer supported.  I'm thinking of changing the meaning of
     "force" and might bring it back in a future release.

     pinto-admin is less noisy.  You won't see any output on the
     command line unless you set the --verbose switch or there is some
     kind of error or warning.  Setting the --quiet switch will still
     suppress any non-fatal warnings.

     * Bug Fixes:

     Fixed bug where Pinto might blow up with 'too many args' error
     the first time you update from a CPAN mirror.

0.024     2011-09-01 15:23:48 America/Los_Angeles

     Added a "version" command to pinto-admin

     General code refactoring

     No interface changes

0.023     2011-08-31 14:18:49 America/Los_Angeles

     * Interface Changes:

     The "remove" operation now works on distribution names, rather
     than package names.  You must specify the full name of the
     distribution, including version number and extension.

     * Other Good Stuff:

     Wrote the manuals for each of the pinto-admin commands.
     Say `pinto-admin COMMAND --man` to see them.

0.022     2011-08-31 01:31:04 America/Los_Angeles

     * Interface Changes:

     You no longer need to specify the Subversion trunk in your
     pinto.ini (if you were using Pinto::Store::VCS::Svn).  The
     location of your Pinto repository in subversion is implicit in
     the `svn info` of the working copy.  Secondly, the "create"
     action no longer takes care of making a location in Subversion
     for you.  So you now have to do a little more work to setup Pinto
     with Subversion.  See the POD in Pinto::Store::VCS::Svn for
     step-by-step instructions.

     You can no longer specify a VCS tag in your pinto.ini.  Making
     a tag after every commit doesn't make sense.  So now, a tag
     is only made if you explicitly set a --tag on the command line.
     Likewise, the --notag command line switch has been removed,
     since the absence of a --tag is equivalent to --notag.

     * Bug Fixes:

     The "update" command was broken, following rename from "mirror".

0.021     2011-08-30 01:16:55 America/Los_Angeles

     * Interface Changes:

     The "mirror" command is now called "update".  I feel this more
     accurately reflects what is going on, since a Pinto repository
     isn't really a "mirror" of anything.
     * Bug Fixes:

     Fixed some bugs in the VCS tagging logic.

     Fixed behavior when running under cron.

0.020     2011-08-28 20:40:43 America/Los_Angeles

     * Enhancements:

     Added the "rebuild" command, which reconstructs the master index
     from the current local and mirrored indexes.  This is useful if
     your master index somehow gets screwed.  Note this is not the
     same as actually re-indexing the distributions (that's a feature
     I might add later).

     All commands for pinto-admin[1] now support a --man option, which
     shows you the full documentation for a commmand.  But at this
     point, I haven't written the documentation for all the commands.

     Several of the commands for pinto-admin[1] now support a --tag
     option that allows you to specify an alternative tag.  The
     semantics of the tag will depend on which type of VCS you are
     using.  Likewise, you can now specify --notag to disable tagging

0.019     2011-08-24 04:09:41 America/Los_Angeles

     * Bug Fixes:

     The 'add' and 'remove' commands for pinto-admin were not reading
     arguments from STDIN properly.

     All svn commands would fail when running under pinto-server.
     This was due to some strage behavior in IPC::Run that I can't

0.018     2011-08-24 01:45:21 America/Los_Angeles

     Now using IPC::Run to handle external commands (like svn).
     IPC::Run seems to behave better when running in a server
     environment like pinto-server (via Dancer).

0.017     2011-08-24 00:50:09 America/Los_Angeles

    * Interface Changes:

    pinto-admin[1] is now zero-conf (at least, by default).  However,
    you must now specify the --repos for every command.  Also, some of
    the options for pinto-admin have been removed for safety, and are
    now in the repository-specific configuration file (see below).
    This helps to deter you from doing things that contradict the
    usual behavior of your repository.

    Each Pinto repository now has its own configuration file, which
    governs its basic behavior.  The configuration file is generated
    with default values when you run the "create" command.  This
    allows you set up multiple repositories, each with a different
    behavior and VCS store.

    * Enhancements:

    The "add" and "remove" commands for pinto-admin[1] can now read
    arguments from STDIN.  When doing so, it filters out things that
    look like comments and blank lines.  This makes it easy to pipe in
    the output from a find[1] or dzil[1] command.

    You can also specify arguments to the "add" command as URLs,
    and Pinto will fetch them for you. (Suggested by Tim Bunce).

    The "list" command now accepts a --type option, which will show
    you either all packages, only local packages, only foreign
    packages, or only local packages that block a foreign package.
    (suggested by George Hartzell and Meg Green).

    The "add", "remove", and "mirror" actions now accept a --message
    option, which will be prepended to the VCS commit log that Pinto
    generates (suggested by Jan Vogel).

    Added "nocolor" command line option.

0.016     2011-08-18 02:00:12 America/Los_Angeles

    Removed bin/pinto-client.  That wasn't supposed to be in there,
    damnit!  Look for the Pinto-Remote distribution instead.

0.015     2011-08-18 01:54:39 America/Los_Angeles

    * No interface changes or bug fixes.

    * Internal Changes:

    Improved exception handling.

    Pinto now uses a lock file to synchronize concurrent actions in
    the repository.  Only one actor is allowed to operate in a given
    repository at a time.  Others have to wait until they can get the
    lock, or timeout after about 60 seconds.

0.014     2011-08-17 16:09:48 America/Los_Angeles

    * No interface changes or bug fixes.

    * Internal Changes:

    Several modules have been moved out to the Pinto-Common
    distribution.  This is to allow sharing between Pinto,
    Pinto::Server, and Pinto::Remote without requiring direct
    dependency on all of Pinto (including it's dependencies).

0.012     2011-08-17 09:10:25 America/Los_Angeles

    * Bug Fixes:

    Pinto::TestLogger didn't end with a true value.  Thank you, CPAN

    * Internal Changes:

    Switched from IPC::Cmd to Proc::Reliable for running shell
    commands. IPC::Cmd seems to do funky things with STDIN
    and STDOUT that don't set well with CGI.

    You can specify an output filehandle or a buffer (as a scalar
    reference) where you want the output from Pinto::list() to

    The output from the List action contains the name, version,
    and location in each package, rather than just the name.  This
    was a regression in the last version.

    * Other Changes:

    pinto-server[1], pinto-client[1], and all the Pinto::Server::*
    modules have been pulled out into a separate distribtuion,
    which will be released to CPAN shortly.

0.011     2011-08-14 21:11:47 America/Los_Angeles

    * Bug Fixes:

    Fixed our call to File::Copy::copy() to accommodate older versions
    which did not handle Path::Class objects properly.  Thank you,
    CPAN Testers!

0.010     2011-08-14 13:29:23 America/Los_Angeles

    * Bug Fixes:

    Fixed test failures that I introduced by renaming some classes in
    the last release.

0.009     2011-08-12 17:50:28 America/Los_Angeles

    * Interface changes:

    pinto[1] is now called pinto-admin[1].  It still has all the same
    options and arguments.  Likewise, App::Pinto is now

    With pinto-admin, the "mirror" parameter is now called "source".
    This reflects the fact that your dists don't necessarily have to
    come from a CPAN mirror.  They just have to come from some place
    that conforms to the CPAN structure.  Do not confuse this with 
    the "mirror" command, which still does actually mirror the
    aforementioned "source".

    * Other changes:

    Revised documentation.

    Added some basic functional tests.

    Created pinto-server and pinto-client, for using Pinto across a
    nework. These are still very experimental.

    Once again, a lot of the internals have been rewritten.  But the
    guts of Pinto are all private (for now), so you shouldn't really

0.008     2011-08-09 14:47:02 America/Los_Angeles

    * Interface changes:

    The 'author' parameter is now entirely optional.  It defaults to
    your shell username, if we can figure that out.  If not, then an
    exception is thrown, and you'll have to set the 'author' parameter

    pinto[1] now has --notag, --nocommit, and --noinit options.  All
    these can also be set in your configuration file.  See the
    pinto[1] documentation for details.

    * Other changes:

    The internals of Pinto have been substantially rewritten to
    improve performance and readability of the code.  The Pinto API is
    still considered alpha, and subject to change.

0.007     2011-08-04 08:04:27 America/Los_Angeles

    * Interface Changes:

    A config file for pinto[1] is no longer mandatory. If you do not
    have one, then you'll have to specify all required parameters on
    the command line (this is usually just the '--local' and sometimes
    the '--author' options).  If you don't specify these, you'll get a
    really ugly stack trace from Moose.  I'll look into making these
    error messages prettier in a future release.  Thanks to b.jakubski
    for suggesting this change.

    * Bug Fixes:

    RT #70015: Can't create repository.  The 'create' command failed
    because the 02packages file could not be read.  This has now been

    * Other Changes:
    Edited documenation for pinto[1]
0.006     2011-08-04 00:52:22 America/Los_Angeles

    More documentation edits.  No code changes.

0.005     2011-08-04 00:43:34 America/Los_Angeles

    Brought the documentation for pinto[1] up to date with the 
    actual API.

0.004     2011-08-04 00:23:23 America/Los_Angeles

    Default log level is now 1 (info).

    pinto[1] now exits with status 0 if successful.

    Improved some log messages.

0.003     2011-08-03 22:59:10 America/Los_Angeles

    Major overhaul of internals.  But the pinto[1] command line
    interface is mostly the same.

0.002     2011-07-26 17:20:46 America/Los_Angeles

    Corrected default path to the Pinto configuration file.

    Expanded POD for pinto[1]

0.001     2011-07-26 14:17:06 America/Los_Angeles

    Initial release.