#!perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Warn; use File::Temp; sub write_temp_file { my ($content) = @_; my $temp = File::Temp->new; $temp->autoflush(1); print $temp $content; return $temp; } note "Creating Local::PauseConfig class for testing"; { package Local::PauseConfig; use Moose; with qw(Pinto::Role::PauseConfig); } note "Test a pauserc file with the non_interactive flag set"; { my $pauserc = write_temp_file(<<'TEXT'); user SOMEUSER mailto somebody@example.com non_interactive TEXT my $obj = Local::PauseConfig->new( pauserc => $pauserc->filename ); warnings_are { is_deeply $obj->pausecfg, { user => "SOMEUSER", mailto => 'somebody@example.com' }; } []; } done_testing;