# ABSTRACT: A class for testing a Pinto server

package Pinto::Server::Tester;

use Moose;
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Str Int ArrayRef);

use Carp;
use Test::TCP;
use File::Which;
use Proc::Fork;
use Path::Class qw(dir);

use Pinto::Types qw(File Uri);

use HTTP::Server::PSGI;    # just to make sure we have it




extends 'Pinto::Tester';


=attr pintod_opts( \@args )

Passes additional C<@args> to the F<pintod> command line.  Default is empty.


has pintod_opts => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => ArrayRef,
    default => sub { [] },
    lazy    => 1,

=attr server_port( $integer )

Sets the port that the server will listen on.  If not specified during
construction, defaults to a randomly generated but open port.


has server_port => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => Int,
    default => sub { empty_port() },
    lazy    => 1,

=attr server_host( $hostname )

Sets the hostname that the server will bind to.  Defaults to C<localhost>.


has server_host => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => Str,
    init_arg => undef,
    default  => 'localhost',
    lazy     => 1,

=attr server_pid

Returns the process id for the server (if it has been started).  Read-only.


has server_pid => (
    is       => 'rw',
    isa      => Int,
    init_arg => undef,
    default  => 0,

=attr server_url

Returns the full URL that the server will listen on.  Read-only.


has server_url => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => Uri,
    init_arg => undef,
    default  => sub { URI->new( 'http://' . $_[0]->server_host . ':' . $_[0]->server_port ) },

=attr pintod_exe

Sets the path to the C<pintod> executable.  If not specified, we will search
in F<./blib/script>, F<./bin>, C<PINTO_HOME>, and finally your C<PATH>  An 
exception is thrown if C<pintod> cannot be found.


has pintod_exe => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => File,
    builder => '_build_pintod_exe',
    coerce  => 1,
    lazy    => 1,


sub _build_pintod_exe {
    my ($self) = @_;

    # Look inside the dist directory
    for my $dir ( [qw(blib script)], [qw(bin)] ) {
        my $pintod = dir( @{$dir} )->file('pintod');
        return $pintod if -e $pintod;

    # Look at PINTO_HOME
    return dir( $ENV{PINTO_HOME} )->file(qw(bin pintod))
        if $ENV{PINTO_HOME};

    # Look anywhere in PATH
    return which('pintod')
        || croak 'Unable to find pintod anywhere';



=method start_server()

Starts the L<pintod> server.  Emits a warning if the server is already started.


sub start_server {
    my ($self) = @_;

    carp 'Server already started' and return if $self->server_pid;

    local $ENV{PLACK_ENV}              = 'testing';               # Suppresses startup message
    local $ENV{PLACK_SERVER}           = 'HTTP::Server::PSGI';    # Basic non-forking server
    local $ENV{PINTO_LOCKFILE_TIMEOUT} = 2;                       # Don't make tests wait!

    run_fork {

        child {
            my $xtra_lib  = $self->_extra_lib;
            my $xtra_opts = $self->pintod_opts;
            my %opts      = ( '--port' => $self->server_port, '--root' => $self->root );
            my @cmd       = ( $^X, $xtra_lib, $self->pintod_exe, %opts, @{$xtra_opts} );
            $self->tb->note( sprintf 'exec(%s)', join ' ', @cmd );
            exec @cmd;

        parent {
            my $server_pid = shift;
            sleep 5;    # Let the server warm up


        error {
            croak "Failed to fork: $!";

    return $self;


=method stop_server()

Stops the L<pintod> server.  Emits a warning if the server is not
currently running.


sub stop_server {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $server_pid = $self->server_pid;
    carp 'Server was never started' and return if not $server_pid;
    carp "Server $server_pid not running" and return if not kill 0, $server_pid;

    # TODO: Consider using Proc::Terminator instead
    kill 'TERM', $server_pid;
    sleep 5 and waitpid $server_pid, 0;

    return $self;


=method server_running_ok()

Asserts that the server is running.


sub server_running_ok {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $server_pid  = $self->server_pid;
    my $server_port = $self->server_port;

    my $ok = kill 0, $server_pid;    # Is this portable?

    return $self->tb->ok( $ok, "Server $server_pid is running on port $server_port" );


=method server_not_running_ok

Asserts that the server is not running.


sub server_not_running_ok {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $server_pid = $self->server_pid;
    my $ok = not kill 0, $server_pid;    # Is this portable?

    return $self->tb->ok( $ok, "Server is not running with pid $server_pid" );


sub to_string {
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->server_url->as_string;


sub _extra_lib {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $blib = dir(qw(blib lib));
    my $lib  = dir(qw(     lib));

    return "-I$blib" if -e $blib;
    return "-I$lib"  if -e $lib;
    return '';


    my ($self) = @_;

    $self->stop_server if $self->server_pid;








=for stopwords responder

=for Pod::Coverage DEMOLISH
