# $URL: http://perlcritic.tigris.org/svn/perlcritic/trunk/Test-Perl-Critic/Changes $
# $Date: 2006-01-14 22:46:59 -0800 (Sat, 14 Jan 2006) $
# $Author: thaljef $
# $Revision: 242 $
[0.04] Released on 060115
Updated to be compatible with Perl-Critic 0.14, but is not
backward compatible with older versions of Perl-Critic. If
you want to use the -severity option with Perl-Critic, you
need to use Perl-Critic version 0.14 or later.
[0.03] Released on 051031
Now catching exceptions from Perl::Critic so the tests fail
gracefully if PPI has errors.
Added -format option, which is similar to the -verbose option
that perlcritic has. I'm not sure why I didn't make it exactly
the same.
Added a few more test cases. In general, this module doesn't
have very good test coverage because I haven't really figured
out how to test a Test.
[0.02] Released on 050930
Some minor tweaks; Edited POD.
Removed Test::Pod and Test::Pod::Coverage from the prerequisites
list. Those tests only run if the modules are installed.
Test::Perl::Critic is going to require Perl::Critic version 0.08
or later, or it won't pass its own criticism tests.
[0.01] Not released
"Plan to throw one away" -Frederick Brooks