Revision history for Perl extension Net::OAI::Harvester
1.14 Mon May 16 22:57:24 CEST 2011
- Installation: Makefile.PL and Build.PL failed if XML::SAX::Expat
was installed and XML::SAX not (probably a border case only with
"standalone" versions of XML::SAX::Base)
- Changed messages: ExpatXS should give the mentioned "performance
- Tests: Check if XML::SAX::ParserFactory delivered a parser
introduce NOH_ParserPackage environment variable
1.13 Fri May 9 17:34:15 WEDT 2008 (Thomas Berger <THB at cpan dot org>)
- ListMetadataFormats: namespaces() glued previous names with current;
new methods: namespaces_byprefix() and schemas_byprefix()
- added HTTPError() method for access to underlying HTTP::Response
object (in case of HTTP errors only)
NOTE: file() now will yield undef in this case (was: name of
non-existing file)
- baseURL() had trailing garbage when called after a request
- enforce tempfile cleanup by adding UNLINK=>1 to all tempfile() calls
- avoid tempfile pollution on Win32 when using xml() method
- Module::Build support
- Tests: Fixed broken nsdl repository URL
1.12 Tue Aug 7 21:48:50 EDT 2007
- modified t/055.listallrecords.t to not iterate over records
that are known to cause problems for XML::SAX::PurePerl
1.11 Fri Jul 27 11:47:21 EDT 2007
- added oai-dump to MANIFEST
1.1 Fri Jul 27 09:16:35 EDT 2007
- added the ability to dump xml files to a directory
- trapped xml parsing errors are now always printed to STDERR
- added oai-dump utility
1.0 Wed Jul 27 22:52:42 CDT 2005
- resumption token handling now respects custom metadata handlers
(thanks Thorsten Schwander)
0.991 Thu Feb 24 22:07:05 CST 2005
- fixed namespaces() so it works
0.99 Tue Feb 22 21:38:16 CST 2005
- added namespaces() and schemas() to Net::OAI::ListMetadataFormats
and suitable tests.
0.98 Fri Nov 19 09:41:32 CST 2004
- docfix thanks Brian Cassidy
0.97 Tue Aug 30 21:07:05 2004
- deprecated Net::OAI::Haverster::debug() in favor of setting
Net::OAI::Harvester::DEBUG. This allows for other packages
to easily report diagnostics.
- fixed test count in identify 010-identify.t
- fixed names of utilities in bin
- added some docs concerning Net::OAI::Base and passing in
LWP::UserAgent to Net::OAI::Harvester::new().
0.96 Mon Jul 19 22:12:04 2004
- Fixed Net::OAI::Harvester to return HTTP level errors
- Fixed Net::OAI::Identity to not run together sub descriptions into
the overall repositoryName.
0.95 Thu Apr 1 13:48:54 2004
- Fixed behavior of Net::OAI::Harvester::Record::Header::status()
which wasn't pulling out the status attribute properly. Thanks
Darin Burleigh at Also added test of status() to
0.94 Thu Dec 11 14:04:12 2003
- added listAllIdentifiers() and listAllRecords() which automatically
handle resumption tokens.
0.9 Sun Dec 07 08:45:28 2003
- Net::OAI::ListRecords now uses Storable rather than YAML since
YAML cannot handle utf8 at this time. Also Storable is
significantly faster.
- Modified listRecords() to accept metadataHandler parameter for
specifying a custom metadata SAX handler.
- Brought getRecord() into synch with listRecords() so that
metadataHandler specifies the package name of the custom metadata
handler, rather than an actual instance of that class.
0.86 Wed Nov 26 14:01:21 2003
- fixed 5/002.error to not skip ALL THE TIME!
0.85 Wed Nov 26 13:45:23 2003
- added note to to indicate the
return values in list and scalar contexts. Thanks Jose
Barrueco @ University of Valencia.
- beefed up docs in Net::OAI::Identify
- modified t/002.error to check parser so that test doesn't fail
under XML::LibXML
- added output message to Makefile.PL encouraging folks to
use libxml2 parser for increased speed.
0.82 Sat Nov 01 07:40:53 2003
- require at least 5.8.0 for installation since this is the recommended
baseline for processing unicode.
0.81 Fri Oct 24 01:51:03 2003
- fixed passing of empty metadataFormat name/value pair when
listRecords() and listIdentifiers() use a resumption token.
Thanks Patrick Hochstenbach @ LANL.
0.8 Fri Oct 24 09:16:12 2003
- better catching of XML errors
- added debug() method
- added --debug switch to oai-listrecords
0.75 Wed Oct 22 21:51:08 2003
- wrapped XML parsing in eval block to trap fatal errors.
0.7 Wed Oct 22 09:58:55 2003
- more doc fixes (thanks Martin)
- resumptionToken() now returns undef when no resumption token
was present in the response.
- modified bin/oai-listrecords to take advantage of the new return
convention of resumptionToken().
- fixed custom userAgent getting/setting (thanks Martin).
0.6 Tue Oct 21 17:12:31 2003
- fixed several doc errors (thanks Martin Emmerich)
- modified list verbs to work with resumption tokens
- modified oai-listrecords utility to automatically fetch all
records using resumption tokens.
0.5 Wed Aug 28 16:57:03 2003
- more doc fixes
0.4 Thu Aug 07 17:22:12 2003
- fixed doc error (thanks Tajoli Zeno)
- fixed warnings that run under new Test::Harness.
- explicitly use IO::File
0.3 Mon Jul 28 11:35:37 2003
- added asString() method to Net::OAI::Record::OAI_DC
- added oai-listrecords utility
- modified Makefile.PL to put oai-listsets and oai-listrecords in bin
0.2 Tue Jul 08 09:59:34 2003
- updated docs
0.1 Thu May 15 22:37:02 2003
- original version