Revision history for Perl module DateTime::Format::Flexible
0.21 Sun Jan 01 2012
- handle mm/yyyy and m/yyyy
0.20 Sun Sep 18 2011
- case insensitive handling of st|nd|rd|th (3rd and 3RD now work)
- thanks Brett Carson
0.19 Fri Jan 07 2011
- support for German (de)
- thanks Mark Trettin
- better support for DD MM
- support for natural dates in all languages (3 years ago)
0.18 Sat Jan 01 2011
- move a test that was hardcoded to a year to the no_year tests.
- thanks cpantesters
0.17 Tue Oct 26 2010
- more formats supported
- support timezone offsets that are not at the end of the datetime string.
- they must be 4 digits and begin with a plus or minus
- thanks snarkyboojum:
- better support for dates like 'December 1st'
- POD formatting fixes
- support 'Oct.26, 2010'.
- thanks Brian Knapp
0.16 Thu Aug 25 2010
- make sure 'now' means now and not when the module loaded unless user has set a base
- thanks Ryan Voots rt #60731
0.15 Mon Mar 10 2010
- fix tests for DateTime string overloading problem
- thanks Andreas Koenig and Michael Schwern
0.14 Sun Feb 28 2010
- fix test: '1 month ago at 4pm' could be potentially less that 28 days ago.
- fix tests for infinity, -infinity, infinito, and -infinito
0.13 Sat Feb 27 2010
- make parsing for infinity and -infinity more reliable
0.12 Thu Feb 25 2010
- fix DateTime::Format::Builder import
0.11 Wed Feb 24 2010
- remove Readonly dependency
- support some postgresql datetimes: epoch, infinity, -infinity, allballs
- see section
- 'infinity' returns a DateTime::Infinite::Future object
- '-infinity' returns a DateTime::Infinite::Past object
0.10 Wed Feb 24 18:45:00 2009
- support for single character am/pm strings '3p'
- support for days of the week (wednesday => the nearest future wednesday)
- thanks Shawn Moore, rt #53188
- note: this is quite limited, I need more test cases
- works: wednesday
- works: wed at 3p
- support for bare months (february)
- support for limited timezones that are not at the end of the string
- thanks Dave Faraldo
- 'Wed Nov 11 13:55:48 PST 2009' becomes
- 2009-11-11T13:55:48 America/Los_Angeles
- beginning multiple language support (contributions welcome)
- support english (en) and spanish (es)
- support dates like 'now, today, tomorrow'
- switch to strptime from regexes for some parsing for clarity
- now supports negative timezone offsets IF it is a 4 digit offset and there is a space before the offset
- works: 2007-05-06T04:44:44 -0800
- does not work: 2007-05-06T04:44:44-0800
- does not work: 2007-05-06T04:44:44-08
- does not work: 2007-05-06T04:44:44 -08
- now supports 2 digit years as the first number if the year is > 31
- works: 35-12-23 (2035-12-23T00:00:00)
- does not work: 11-12-13 (2013-11-12T00:00:00, or 2013-12-11T00:00:00 with european hinting)
- timezone parsing should now be more reliable
- you can now set a 'base' datetime object to help fill out partial datetimes
0.09 Sun May 24 22:00:00 2009
- add a real copyright for Debian packaging
- fix parsing a bare 4 digit year.
- thanks Dominic Rose, rt #46278
0.08 Wed Apr 22 14:00:00 2009
- fix some pod errors, give an example for european hinting
0.07 Tue Apr 22 03:00:00 2009
- add ability to strip strings from the date string
- can now parse timezones
- rudimentary support for european dates (dd-mm-yyyy)
- can now parse epoch times
0.06 Mon Apr 20 15:06:00 2009
- Fix parsing bug with dd-(oct|nov|dec)-yyyy
- thanks Phil Brass
0.05 Fri Apr 4 14:00:00 2008
- fix some test helper libraries not being included.
- thanks GOOZBACH, rt #34683
0.04 Fri Mar 14 21:00:00 2008
- fix broken 0.03 release
- split tests out for easier integration into other distributions
0.03 Mon Mar 10 02:00:00 2008
- add method "parse_datetime" as an alias for "build".
- thanks Adriano Rodrigues Ferreira
0.02 Tue Oct 02 01:50:00 2007
- fixed pod formatting
- added new parseable format: 2007-10-01 13:11:32.741804.
- thanks RKRIMEN
0.01 Sun Jul 15 20:09:47 2007
- original version; created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker 0.49