Revision history for Perl extension Net::Trackback.
(formerly XML::TrackBack and Net::TrackBack)

1.0   Dec 24 2004
    - BREAK: Net::Trackback::Ping::parse returns a Ping object or
      undefined. Previous 0.99 release would return 
      Net::Trackback::Message in the event of an error.
    - Added proxy support to client.
    - Added charset property and HTTP header to client.
    - All modules are a subclass of Class::ErrorHandler.
    - Deprecated is_data, is_message and is_ping in Net::Trackback.
    - encode_xml and decode_xml in Net::Trackback are exportable.
    - Fixed bug in Data module where an unitialized value warning 
      was posted if the dc:identifier was missing. (Ben Trott)
    - Fixed bug in Data were a "subroutine exited via next" warning
      was generated if the dc:identifier didn't match the permalink
      URI, or if the dc:identifier was empty. (Ben Trott)
    - In Data, if the TrackBack RDF contains invalid (misspelled, even)
      DC elements, Net::Trackback::Data was croaking. Now issue a 
      warning. (Ben Trott)
0.992 Apr 22 2004
    - Fixed 'blog_name' field and method incorrectly named
      'blogname' in Ping. (Yann KerhervĀŽ)

0.991 Mar 20 2004
    - Snagged by the lowercase B. Fixed the test script that was
      failing because of the difference in case.

0.99  Mar 20 2004
    - Complete refactoring of the interface and code. Too many
      changes to list. 
    - Change module name to reflect the official capitalization
      lowercase B. [UPDATE: I was right the first time, but I'm not 
      changing it back.]

0.21  Mar 19 2003
	- Initial release into CPAN.
	- Moved module in heirarchy from XML::TrackBack to more
	  appropriate Net::TrackBack.

0.2  Jan 16 2003
	- Added discover subroutine.

0.1  Jan 01 2003
    - Original version.