Revision history for Perl extension DBD::ODBC.

0.16  July 25, 1997

  - Makefile update for Borland compiler on Win32.
  - Updated for DBI 0.88, including ->bind_param(1, $value, SQL_INTEGER) etc
  - Connect failure now gives a complete error message.

0.15  July 18, 1997

  - Fixed AutoCommit issues and improves Makefile.PL a little.

0.14  July 16, 1997

  - Major overhaul. Cross-integration with DBI 0.86. Unix support.

0.02  June 3, 1997
  - Added support for $dbh->tables() call
  - separated tests to distinguish between statements with binding vs "normal" statements
  	(shows if ODBC driver has SQLDescribeParam())
  - Added info to readme.

0.01  May 28 1997
  - original version; derived from DBD::Solid 0.06