Revision history for Perl extension Geo::StreetAddress::US.
1.01 May 5 2011 - Tim Bunce
Fixed lower cased city direction thanks to Al Sary. RT#50476.
Fixed space in state name thanks to Nate Blaylock. RT#30109.
Changed to no longer add undef fields to result hash
(you can set a global to enable the old behaviour, for now).
Changed minimum perl version from 5.6.1 to 5.8.1.
Changed the outdated README, cut down to a minimal description.
Added support for ZIP+4 without hyphen thanks to Mark Pickett. RT#17445.
Added sec_unit_type and sec_unit_num fields thanks to Evan S Kaufman. RT#44735.
Added support for more numbered Secondary Unit Designators.
Added support for unnumbered Secondary Unit Designators.
Added note to docs that future versions may add extra fields.
Added parse_informal_address() which handles a wider range of addresses.
parse_location() now calls parse_informal_address() if pause_address() fails.
0.99 May 17 2005 - Schuyler Erle
This version was on CPAN for many years till 1.00 was released.
0.01 May 15 2005
Original version