package Java::Javap::Generator::Perl6; use strict; use warnings; use Template; use Template::Filters; use Java::Javap; use Java::Javap::TypeCast; use Data::Dumper; # XXX This generator has way too much data processing in it # It should be focussed on producing output from precomputed data. # XXX having this info here is suboptimal # should at least be integrated with TypeCaster # my @perl_builtin_undefined = qw( Mu Failure Any Cool ); # my @perl_builtin_immutable = qw( Str !Bit Int Num Rat !FatRat Complex Bool Exception Block Seq Range Set !Bag Enum EnumMap Signature Parcel !Slicel Capture !Blob !Instant !Duration !HardRoutine ); # my @perl_builtin_mutable = qw( Iterator !SeqIter RangeIter !Scalar Array Hash !KeySet !KeyBag !KeyHash Pair !PairSeq Buf IO Routine Sub Method Submethod !Macro Regex Match !Stash !SoftRoutine DateTime ); my @perl_builtin_roles = qw( Iterable ); my $perl_builtin_types = { map { (/^!/) ? () : ($_=>1) } ( @perl_builtin_undefined, @perl_builtin_immutable, @perl_builtin_mutable, @perl_builtin_roles, ) }; if (0) { # check that types actually are built-in to current perl6 for my $t (keys %$perl_builtin_types) { system("perl6 -e 'my $t \$v'"); } } sub perl6_string_literal_filter { my $value = shift; $value =~ s/([^[:print:]])/ sprintf "\\u%04x", ord($1) /eg; return qq{"$value"}; } sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless { @_ }, $class; my $filters = Template::Filters->new({ FILTERS => { perl6_string_literal => \&perl6_string_literal_filter, }, }); my $tt_args = { POST_CHOMP => 1, LOAD_FILTERS => [ $filters ], }; $self->tt_args_set( $tt_args ); return $self; } sub tt_args_set { my $self = shift; my $args = shift; $self->{__TT_ARGS__} = $args; } sub tt_args { my $self = shift; return $self->{__TT_ARGS__}; } sub generate { my $self = shift; my $params = shift; my $class_file = $params->{class_file}; my $ast = $params->{ast}; my $trace_level = defined $params->{trace_level} ? $params->{trace_level} : $self->{trace_level}; $self->{type_caster} = $params->{type_caster} || Java::Javap::TypeCast->new(); $self->_cast_names( $ast ); $ast->{method_list} = $self->_get_unique_methods( $ast ); #print STDERR Dumper($ast->{method_list}); $ast->{constant_list} = [ grep { $_->{body_element} eq 'constant' } @{$ast->{contents}} ]; #warn Dumper($ast->{constant_list}); my $template = $self->_get_template( $ast ); my @prologue = $self->_get_prologue( $ast ); my $tt = Template->new( $self->tt_args ); my $tt_vars = { ast => $ast, gen_time => scalar localtime(), version => $Java::Javap::VERSION, class_file => $class_file, type_caster=> $self->{type_caster}, javap_command=> $params->{javap_command}, prologue => \@prologue, }; my $retval; $tt->process( \$template, $tt_vars, \$retval ) or die "Error processing template: ".$tt->error(); return $retval; } sub _cast_names { my $self = shift; my $ast = shift; my $type_caster = $self->{type_caster}; my $class_parent = defined $ast->{parent} ? $type_caster->cast($ast->{parent}) : ''; $ast->{cast_parent} = ($class_parent eq 'Mu') ? '' : $class_parent; my @class_implements = map { $type_caster->cast($_) } @{ $ast->{implements} }; $ast->{cast_implements} = \@class_implements; foreach my $element (@{$ast->{contents}}) { if ($element->{body_element} =~ /^(method|constructor)$/) { foreach my $arg (@{$element->{args}}) { $arg->{perl_type_name} = $type_caster->cast($arg->{name}); } } $element->{type}->{perl_type_name} = $type_caster->cast($element->{type}->{name}) if ref $element->{type}; } } sub _get_unique_methods { my $self = shift; my $ast = shift; # identify duplicate signatures resulting from TypeCast operation # ie if both foo(javatype1) and foo(javatype2) get mapped to foo(perl_type) # then we only want to output foo once #print STDERR "methods: ", Dumper(@methods); my %meth; foreach my $element (@{$ast->{contents}}) { next unless $element->{body_element} =~ /^(method|constructor)$/; my $signature = $element->{name}; # discard method names containing '$' XXX why? next if $signature =~ /\$/; foreach my $arg (@{$element->{args}}) { $signature .= (($arg->{array_text} =~ /Array of/) ? '@' : '$') . "$arg->{perl_type_name}, "; } $signature .= " --> " . ($element->{type}->{array_text} =~ /Array of/) ? 'Array' : $element->{type}->{perl_type_name}; # print STDERR "signature: '$signature'\n" if $debug; # de-dup via hash $meth{$signature} = $element; } #die Dumper(\%meth); my @methods = sort { # constructors first ($b->{body_element} eq 'constructor') <=> ($a->{body_element} eq 'constructor') or # then by method name $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} or # then by increasing arg count @{$a->{args}} <=> @{$b->{args}} } values %meth; #print STDERR Dumper(@methods); return \@methods; } sub _get_type_casts { my $self = shift; my $type_file = shift; # XXX TODO } sub _get_prologue { my $self = shift; my $ast = shift; my $type_caster = $self->{type_caster}; my $trace_level = defined $self->{trace_level} ? $self->{trace_level} : 0; my %perl_types; $perl_types{ $ast->{cast_parent} }{parent} = 1 if $ast->{cast_parent}; $perl_types{ $_ }{implements} = 1 for @{ $ast->{cast_implements} }; foreach my $element (@{$ast->{contents}}) { if ($element->{body_element} =~ /^(method|constructor)/) { foreach my $arg (@{$element->{args}}) { $perl_types{$arg->{perl_type_name}}{arg}++; } } $perl_types{ $element->{type}->{perl_type_name} }{return}++ if ref $element->{type}; } warn "$ast->{perl_qualified_name} references types: @{[ keys %perl_types ]}\n" if $trace_level >= 3; for my $perl_type (keys %perl_types) { delete $perl_types{$perl_type} if $perl_builtin_types->{$perl_type} # our own class name or $perl_type eq $ast->{perl_qualified_name} # private java class or $perl_type =~ /\$/ # void java class or $perl_type eq 'void' # at the moment rakudo does not support 'Array of' so don't include the # dependency on the class as it will just return Array at the moment. #or $element->{type}->{array_text} =~ /Array of/; ; } warn "$ast->{perl_qualified_name} needs to load: @{[ keys %perl_types ]}\n" if $trace_level >= 3; # XXX ideally we'd use the class or role as appropriate but we don't need # to (at least for now) because: essentially "class Foo { ... }" simply # declares Foo as a package-ish identifier -- per pmichaud. # So we can get away with this cheat. # But not for all kinds of usage: 'is' and 'does' need to 'use' first my (@decl_class, @load_class); while ( my ($type, $usage) = each %perl_types) { if ($usage->{parent} || $usage->{implements}) { push @load_class, $type; next; } push @decl_class, $type; } return ( map({ "class $_ { ... };" } sort @decl_class), map({ "use $_;" } sort @load_class) ); } sub _get_template { my $self = shift; my $ast = shift; my $prologue = $self->_get_template_prologue; my $kind = $ast->{ class_or_interface }; $kind = 'interface'; # XXX only generate roles for perl6 my $method = "_get_template_for_$kind"; return $prologue . $self->$method( $ast ); } sub _get_template_prologue { return << 'EO_Template'; [% BLOCK file_header %] # *** DO NOT EDIT *** CHANGES WILL BE LOST *** # This file was automatically generated # by java2perl6api [% version %] from the output of # [% javap_command +%] use v6; [% END %] [% BLOCK method_arg %] [% arg.perl_type_name %] [%'Array of') ? '@' : '$' %]v[% arg_counter %], # [% +%] [% END %] [% BLOCK method_all_args %] [% arg_counter = 0 %] [% FOREACH arg IN elem.args %][% arg_counter = arg_counter + 1 %] [% INCLUDE method_arg %] [% END %] [% END %] [% BLOCK method_returns %] [%- IF != 'void' %] --> [%'Array of') ? 'Array ' : ret.perl_type_name %] # [% ret.array_text %] [% +%] [% END %] [% END %] [% BLOCK method_whole %] [% ast.methods.${ } > 1 ? 'multi ' : '' -%] method [% -%] ( [% INCLUDE method_all_args elem = elem %] [% INCLUDE method_returns ret = elem.type %] ) { ... } [%- IF elem.throws.size %] # throws [% elem.throws.join(", ") %][% END +%] [% END %] [% BLOCK constant_whole %] method [% %] (--> [% elem.type.perl_type_name %]) is export { [%- IF elem.type.perl_type_name == 'Str' %] [% elem.value | perl6_string_literal %] [%- ELSIF elem.type.perl_type_name == 'Int' or elem.type.perl_type_name == 'Num' %] [% elem.value %] [%- ELSE %] ... [% END -%] } [% END %] EO_Template } sub _get_template_for_interface { return << 'EO_Template'; [% PROCESS file_header %] [% FOREACH prologue_item IN prologue %] [%+ prologue_item +%] [% END %] role [% ast.perl_qualified_name %] [%- IF ast.cast_parent != '' %] does [% ast.cast_parent %] [% END -%] [%- IF ast.cast_implements.size > 0 %] does [% ast.cast_implements.join(" does ") %] [% END -%] { [% FOREACH element IN ast.constant_list %] [% NEXT IF'\$') %] [% INCLUDE constant_whole elem = element %] [% END; ast.constant_list.size ? "\n" : "" %] [% FOREACH element IN ast.method_list %] [% INCLUDE method_whole elem = element %] [% END %] }; EO_Template } sub _get_template_for_class { return << 'EO_Class_Template'; [% PROCESS file_header %] [% FOREACH prologue_item IN prologue %] [%+ prologue_item +%] [% END %] class [% ast.perl_qualified_name %] [%- ast.cast_parent == '' ? '' : ' is ' %][% ast.cast_parent -%] [%- IF ast.cast_implements.size > 0 %] does [% ast.cast_implements.join(" does ") %] [% END -%] { [% FOREACH element IN ast.constant_list %] [% NEXT IF'\$') %] [% INCLUDE constant_whole elem = element %] [% END; ast.constant_list.size ? "\n" : "" %] [% FOREACH element IN ast.method_list %] [% INCLUDE method_whole elem = element %] [% END %] }; EO_Class_Template } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Java::Javap::Generator::Perl6 - uses Template Toolkit to spit out Perl 6 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Java::Javap::Generator; my $gen = Java::Javap::Generator->get_generator( 'Perl6' ); my $output = $gen->generate( { $class_file => 'com.example.InterfaceName', $ast => $tree, $javap_command => $javap_command, } ); where C<$tree> is a Java::Javap abstract syntax tree (AST). Note that parameters are named. =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a generator which uses TT to make output. It's templates are strings inside this module. To change templates, subclass and override C<_get_template_for_interface> and/or C<_get_template_for_class>. =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item get_generator Call this as a class method on C. Pass it C to ask it for an instance of this class. =item generate This is the workhorse of this module. It takes information about your java .class file and generates Perl 6 code. Parameters (these are named, pass them in a hashref, see below): =over 4 =item class_file for documentation, the name of the java .class file =item ast the syntax tree you got from the parser =item javap_command for documentation, the flags used on the javap command line =back Use C to generate the ast. Example: my $parser = Java::Javap::Grammar->new(); my $decomp = `javap com.example.SomeInterface`; my $tree = $parser->comp_unit( $decomp ); my $jenny = Java::Javap::Generator->get_generator( 'Perl6' ); my $output = $jenny->generate( { class_file => $class_file, ast => $tree, } ); =item new For use by C. You could call it directly, that would bypass the factory. =item tt_args_set By default, the TT objects used internally will have this TT constructor parameter: { POST_CHOMP => 1 } Use this accessor to change the TT constructor arguments. You may call this at any time. The C method uses this accessor. Since C makes a new TT object for each call, any changes you make via this method will apply to subsequent calls. =item tt_args Accessor for getting the TT constructor arguments. Mainly for internal use. =back =head1 EXPORT Nothing, it's all OO =head2 SEE ALSO L L L L =head1 AUTHOR =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2007, Phil Crow Copyright (C) 2010, Tim Bunce This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut vim: ts=8:sw=4:et