Revision history for Perl extension Barcode::ZBar.
0.08 2022-02-07
* 889cc66 perl skip more tests if DISPLAY not set and set prereqs in Makefile.PL
* c77594e Barcode::ZBar Update Changes and Increment Version
0.07 2022-02-06
* d0428ef Barcode::ZBar - Image::Magick not installed skip 3 more tests
* 576355e Fixes 122061 - test fails when DISPLAY not set
* e9a0cf2 Update Barcode::ZBar Changes
0.06 2022-02-06
* 93564a5 Add provides and min-perl version to meta files
* b01a86f perl module Increment version for cpan release and update changes
0.05 2022-02-05 - Updates from mchehab/zbar
* 0d1d582 perl some packaging improvements
* 5b3c33d Enforce a coding style
* 2b841d5 Update ZBar's main URL location
* d1397ff Fix typos found by codespell.
* edcf08b Add support for using versions with major.minor.patch
* cd5b63e Update to the very latest version of zbar
current spadix
* add Symbol orientation and Decoder direction interfaces
0.04 2009-10-23 spadix
* add result query interfaces to ImageScanner and Processor
0.03 2009-09-24 spadix
* add support for binary symbol data
* fix symbol leaks
* add symbol quality metric
* add support for QR Code
0.02 2009-04-16 spadix
* project name change: package becomes Barcode::ZBar
0.01 2009-02-28 spadix
* add Barcode:: namespace prefix
* add a few new/missing APIs
* add most documentation
* first draft: Processor, Scanner and Decoder basic function