Revision history for Perl extension Net::SAML2.

0.59 -- Wed Aug 24 22:23:53 ADT 2022

0.58 -- Fri Aug 12 16:25:59 ADT 2022

  [ Significant Changes since 0.57 ]

  You will want to test this release.  There are numerous changes and
  improvements but nothing that obviously breaks functionality.

  - Fix bug where NameID Format was an empty string and broke the
    constructor for the LogoutRequest in Net::SAML::SP logout_request.
  - Add tests for lowercase URL encoded data
    A potential change is upcoming, so we want to have tests to ack/nack
    the claims of that new change.
  - Enclose SOAP action in double quotes
  - Allow error URI to be a full fledged URI in Net::SAML::SP
  - The generated id is now 32 bytes of randomness instead of 16 bytes
  - SAML2 constants moved to URN::OASIS::SAML2
  - Make cacert optional in Net::SAML2::SP as it is only needed for the
    SOAP request call
  - Add Indexes to the assertion_consumer_service in Net::SAML::SP
    This allows you to later on ask for the default assertion service by
    using get_default_assertion_service().
  - Allow injecting own LWP::UserAgent to IdP new_from_url
  - When reading metadata we previously always provided a default NameID
    Format. We no longer do this, we only return the NameID format if it
    was provided by the metadata.
  - Make provider optional in Protocol::ArtifactResolve
    Previous versions supplied a default when as_xml was called, this
    default has been removed.
  - Optional parameters in Binding::Redirect
    You now need to supply less parameters when verifying the redirect
    request (SAMLResponse).
  - Optional attributes for NameID in LogoutRequest
    In order to respect the SAML specifications the NameQualifier and
    SPNameQualifier are omitted from the LogoutRequest. In case you need
    the NameQualifier and the SPNameQualifier you'll now need
    include_name_qualifier to be set in the constructor. When the NameID
    Format is urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameidformat:persistent, both
    become mandatory. For those who need to set the SPNameQualifier to
    be the Affiliation Group ID we have affiliation_group_id for you in
    the constructor.

  [ Change Log ]

  - a245b94 Add test for lowercase url escaping
  - ba0a803 Fix author tests with dzil
  - 97898a2 fix pod for Assertion->nameid_format
  - 523ba92 Add missing POD for nameid, nameid_format in Protocol::Assertion
  - fb3085d Update Changes for 0.57
  - 6c63ed1 Make attributes in NameID optional
  - d69b7dd Install sub::name first to prevent pipeline failures
  - 7310b6c Bump version string post .57 release
  - 8b83b3e Make params optional in Binding::Redirect for SAMLResponse
  - 3b2b96b Use cpm instead of cpanminus
  - bc7eb07 nameid_format cannot be a zero length string
  - 1c5af31 Be able to inject own LWP::UserAgent to IdP new_from_url
  - 2abeb49 Add license to distro
  - 3f7c673 Install deps manually
  - 7f400a0 Install deps manually
  - 14c075c Fix documentation and general code cleanup
  - ca9fce1 Small refactor on Protocol::AuthnRequest
  - 14fb479 Add builder to Binding::SOAP for LWP::UA
  - 70ac5d0 Refactor Binding::SOAP::request
  - 830275f Add nameid as a node so we can get the value and/or the format
  - 066100f Really make provider optional in Protocol::ArtifactResolve
  - 5673bb5 v0.56
  - 3c7f390 Set version in main module for downstream developers
  - 22dbf06 Remove Dockerfile, we have github actions now
  - 18fa0ed Add defaults to Net::SAML2::Binding::Redirect
  - 6fe4bdc Fix contributers automaticly from git
  - 1348af5 Add the index in the assertion_consumer_service
  - 02ab7be Make cacert optional in Net::SAML2::SP
  - 858dc57 Remove setting default format when not present in metadata
  - 9e7c88a Introduce URN_XXX constants in NET::SAML2::SP
  - b2e3020 Change from 16 to 32 bytes of randomness
  - 42159bc Allow error URI to be a full fledged URI

0.57 -- Fri Aug 05 23:34:05 ADT 2022

  [ Release 0.56-TRIAL as 0.57 ]

  [ Significant Changes since 0.55 ]

  - Numerous fixes and cleanups thanks to Wesley Schwengle (waterkip)
  - Functionality changes mostly limited to Net::SAML2::SP
  - metadata signing has been improved
  - updates to github actions
  - new API for ACS/SLO data in metadata

0.56 -- Sun Jul 24 23:52:56 ADT 2022

  [ Significant Changes since 0.55 ]

  - Numerous fixes and cleanups thanks to Wesley Schwengle (waterkip)
  - Functionality changes mostly limited to Net::SAML2::SP
  - metadata signing has been improved
  - updates to github actions
  - new API for ACS/SLO data in metadata

  [ Change Log ]

  - signing metadata is now optional
  - 8ee4f57 Merge pull request #69 from waterkip/GH-46_acs_and_slo_injections
  - 027d300 fixup! Implement new API for ACS/SLO data in metadata
  - d81549a Implement new API for ACS/SLO data in metadata
  - 01d5fb7 Merge pull request #67 from waterkip/testsuite-defaults
  - 7c51e1b Merge pull request #68 from waterkip/GH-actions
  - 10b9ab0 Only use defaults/required attrs in net_saml2_sp() test method
  - 55d6e5e Install Moose in a seperate action
  - f4d0718 Run Github actions on pull requests
  - 7eb44fe Make Math::Pari installable
  - 1fe7b8b cpanm is provided by the perl images
  - 7f0c885 Update perl images in the matrix
  - 915adaa Merge pull request #65 from waterkip/GH-cleanup-dist.ini
  - f754ad7 Merge pull request #66 from waterkip/GH-46-optional_URIs
  - b25642f Make some URI's optional in the constructor
  - f01ef30 Remove dependencies from dist.ini
  - 57142a1 Merge pull request #64 from waterkip/bug-61
  - 5e6c0f0 Add ds:KeyName to md:KeyDescriptor/ds:Keyinfo
  - c6b9dfb Fix SAML metadata signing
  - b18d316 Add missing pod from PR #62
  - 9f8cd26 Merge pull request #62 from waterkip/sign-metadata_optional
  - 7e637b7 Make signing metadata optional
  - beba53f Merge pull request #63 from waterkip/cert-text_builder
  - 493af8c Merge pull request #60 from waterkip/sp-defaults
  - 29503c9 Use builder for _cert_text
  - 5e94d9c Add defaults to authnreq_signed and want_assertions_signed
  - c2e49e4 v0.55
  - 159332d (tag: 0.55) Bump version for 0.55 release

0.55 -- Fri Apr 15 21:06:36 ADT 2022

  [ Significant Changes since 0.53 ]

  Support for EncryptedAssertions is automatic if one is received but the
  call to Net::SAML2::Protocol::Assertion must provide a key and cacert to
  decrypt the EncryptedAssertion and Verify the Signature on the decrypted
  Assertion if it is Signed.  No changes are required for existing applications
  that do not use EncryptedAssertions.

  [ Commits ]
  - 159332d Bump version for 0.55 release
  - 92a1eb5 Support Unsigned encrypted Assertions
  - 39016c6 v0.54

0.54 -- Sat Apr 09 18:13:04 ADT 2022

  [ Significant Changes since 0.53 ]

  Support for EncryptedAssertion

  [ Commits ]
  - b166c3e Updates for new Version
  - ab8c986 Move to OurPkgVersion and remove VERSION from repo
  - 6d1b058 Merge pull request #57 from timlegge/encrypted-assertions
  - bff02f7 Minor lighttpd config update for testapp
  - 94e42b0 Support EncryptedAssertions
  - 34a432c v0.53

0.53 -- Thu Feb 03 21:02:47 AST 2022

  [Significant Changes since 0.52]

  - Fix bug with Saml LogoutResponse on HTTP-Redirect Binding introduced in 0.52
  - testapp: simplify testing by allowing easier testing against multiple IdPs

  - 22d2b2a (HEAD -> master) Update version information
  - 13c18ee Merge pull request #56 from timlegge/testapp-multiple-idp-support
  - a2ff662 Allow custom config.yml file per Identity Provider
  - 4bf230a Add support for multiple IdPs to the SamlTest testapp Makes
            testing against Multiple IdPs much simpler to setup and configure
  - 905f78a SP initiated SAMLLogout has SAMLResponse on redirect
  - 378ea9b v0.52

0.52 -- Sun Jan 30 23:17:19 AST 2022

  [Significant Changes since 0.49]

  - Document IdP and SP initiated LogoutRequest handling
  - Fix issue if multiple X509Certificate tags are found in metadata

  - 5d70bac Update for official release
  - b753644 Update Makefile.PL and README

0.51 -- Sun Jan 30 14:15:43 AST 2022

  - d4153b5 v0.51
  - a9f5ca5 Fix the Commit ids - forgot to rebase before push

0.50 -- Sun Jan 30 13:59:48 AST 2022

  - 8cc6d8e v0.50
  - af1deee Add additional deveeloper files to .gitignore
  - 8223e85 Remove eol spaces
  - 3eb54d3 Create a pid file for lighttpd
  - 89393ab Merge pull request #55 from timlegge/master
  - 237ef74 NameId Format is optional in the LogoutRequest
  - a8ee006 Fix an un reported issue validating URL with extra parameters
  - b096862 Fixes issue in Discusion #54 when there are multiple
        X509Certificate tags in the metadata
  - 11ba7f4 Add information related to the LogoutRequest and
        LogoutResponse that can be either SP of IdP initiated
  - 5780c6c Move from File::Slurp to File::Slurper

0.49 -- Tue Dec 07 21:22:58 AST 2021

  [Significant Changes since 0.46]
  - Net::SAML2::XML::Sig is now a subclass of XML::Sig
  - XML::Sig 0.52 is now a dependency

  - 064f718 v0.49
  - 6e76482 Simplify dist.ini and add SignReleaseNotes
  - e96982c Bump Version
  - 3fc63f5 v0.48

0.48 -- Mon Dec 06 16:53:49 AST 2021

  - 8589b4a Update Version
  - 9c73463 Missing VERSION and Abstract
  - 586fd5b v0.47

0.47 -- Sun Dec 05 15:07:51 AST 2021

  - e580299 Update version number
  - 837aa20 add strict and warnings to quiet author critic
  - 2ff8aeb Merge pull request #51 from timlegge/move-to-xml-sig
  - 3634910 test of properly handling comments in nameid and email
  - 4c20821 Moving to XML::Sig - keeping them in sync is a pain

0.46 -- Thu Nov 25 21:53:52 AST 2021

  - dd9776e Merge pull request #50 from timlegge/issue-38
  - 54cf599 Testapp should display unicode
  - ac74ac4 Fixes Issue #49 - Issue verifying XML that includes wide characters
  - 5afc7dd Add strict and warnings to tests
  - c20ed8c Add strict and warnings and move existing to the stop
  - 26c53c1 v0.45
  - 5397713 (tag: 0.45) Update for new version

0.45 -- Wed Nov 17 17:33:34 AST 2021

  - 594d135 add missing use statement (ziali088)

0.44 -- Sun Oct 31 14:33:03 ADT 2021

  - Packaging issue reissuing 0.43 without changes

0.43 -- Sat Oct 30 23:09:24 ADT 2021

  [Release Version of 0.42]

  - No changes

  [Significant Changes since 0.40]
  - COMPATABILITY WARNING: version 0.44 will likely make sha256 the default
  - HTTP-Redirect now supports signing and verifying with more than rsa-sha1
  - include HTTP-Post for SingleLogoutService in generated metadata
  - Destination missing in LogoutRequest
  - Added PingIdentity to the tested IdPs
  - Most other changes related to the testapp Saml2Test (in git repo)
  - Fix issue with LogoutResponse on HTTP-Redirect for some IdP (Azure, Ping)
  - Make SP metadata.xml more configuable and sign

0.42 -- Fri Oct 29 22:35:53 ADT 2021

  [Significant Changes since 0.40]
  - COMPATABILITY WARNING: version 0.44 will likely make sha256 the default
  - HTTP-Redirect now supports signing and verifying with more than rsa-sha1
  - include HTTP-Post for SingleLogoutService in generated metadata
  - Destination missing in LogoutRequest
  - Added PingIdentity to the tested IdPs
  - Most other changes related to the testapp Saml2Test (in git repo)
  - Fix issue with LogoutResponse on HTTP-Redirect for some IdP (Azure, Ping)
  - Make SP metadata.xml more configuable and sign

  [Change Log]
  - b9d4786 Merge pull request #44 from timlegge/azure-lowercase
  - 4f2a40c Update for latest build
  - ffd4188 Add issuer to make testing between multiple IdPs clearer
  - 1049084 Fix issues with LogoutResponse
  - 378c815 Merge pull request #43 from timlegge/metadata
  - bfe0966 Sign Metadata
  - 1cd0003 Net::SAML2::SP configurable values for metadata

0.41 -- Thu Oct 21 17:59:37 ADT 2021

  [Significant Changes since 0.40]

  - COMPATABILITY WARNING: version 0.44 will likely make sha256 the default
  - HTTP-Redirect now supports signing and verifying with more than rsa-sha1
  - include HTTP-Post for SingleLogoutService in generated metadata
  - Destination missing in LogoutRequest
  - Added PingIdentity to the tested IdPs
  - Most other changes related to the testapp Saml2Test (in git repo)

  [Change Log]
  - 07b68dd v0.41
  - c4ec6e2 Merge pull request #38 from timlegge/dist-changes
  - 54e612e Improve packaging and update changes
  - 1d894a9 testapp: prevent app error if the are no slo_urls
  - d6e2ab9 testapp: Change to decoding in sls-redirect-response
  - 23240d8 Fixes #30 - Modules withou version and cleanup missing Abstract
  - 9c5585b Merge pull request #37 from timlegge/testapp
  - c51ba51 Tested compatiblity against PingIdentity
  - b4d3fe9 Remove end of line spaces
  - 41ef582 testapp: provide documentation on how to use the Saml2Test application
  - 5a8ebb7 Fixes #36 testapp: metadata is rendered as text by the browser
  - f1e2eca testapp: add .gitignore file testapp
  - ca4b8bd Fixes #35: Metadata does not include HTTP-Post for SingleLogoutService
  - 64008da testapp: Better org_name
  - 22073bb Update certificates with 10 year expiration
  - f215c40 testapp: add lightttpd.conf to proxy https traffic to testapp on port 3000
  - f92ba77 testapp: provide lighttpd config to deliver a metatdata.xml file
  - 2d671a4 Fixes #32: HTTP-Redirect should support more than sha1
  - 5e2425a testapp: Make required settings configurable
  - f70b0a5 Fixes #34: testapp: Dancer request_uri is not decoded
  - 8c0d048 testapp: Fixes #33 Destination is not properly assigned
  - 6e0a685 Fixes #31 Destination missing in LogoutRequest
  - 652c763 testapp: support post for LogoutResponse

0.40 - 2021-07-26

  [Significant Changes since 0.38]

  - Add support for Auth0 SAML (bug fix)
  - Add options to allow https for metadata urls

  [Change Log]
  - TDD     Update Changes and Increment version
  - 314df85 Remove Test::TrailingSpace keeps failing on automatic License file
  - 9bc0901 Mention in synopsis and README
  - 343ae20 Rename Tutorial
  - b5591cc Update documentation for ssl_opts for Idp new_from_url

0.39-TRIAL - 2021-07-25

  [Change Log]
  - b34f4f8 Update Changes and Increment version
  - 5921d12 Fixes #28 support https urls for metadata
  - 95a2311 Fixes #29 which also supports Auth0 SAML
  - 09591b6 Test InResponseTo on Assertions

0.38 - 2021-07-23

  [Change Log]

  - 88abdeb Update Changes and Increment version

0.37-TRIAL - 2021-07-21

  [Change Log]

  - cc4e029 Update Changes and Increment version
  - f6227a4 Replace remaining XML::XPath with XML::libXML

0.36-TRIAL - 2021-07-15

  [Change Log]

  - 7bddf72 Update Changes and Increment version
  - be1a42f Remove no_comments call from IdP

0.35-TRIAL - 2021-07-14

  [Significant Changes]

  Replaces XML::XPath with XML::libXML which is better maintained and more
  powerful.  XML::libXML options are set to disable loading external documents
  and expanding entities as well as disabling network access.

  [Change Log]

  - a071834 Update Changes and Increment version
  - 3741d2a Replace XML::XPath with XML::libXML
  - f3887f5 Fixup Contributors and cleanup README
  - 9d8c3bd Automatically generate README for repo
  - 4a1f2ef Update dist.ini to use Pod2Readme

0.34 - 2021-03-30

  [Significant Changes since 0.32]

  - Mostly an improvement in documentation
  - Implement "full client" test that follows
  - documents how to add Net::SAML2 to your web application
  - Numerous small bug fixes/enhancements
  - Improvements in SP Metadata support
  - Add response_status to Assertion object
  - XML::Sig version 0.47 (improvements in ECDSA and DSA and other fixes)

  [Change Log]

  - 1ef0848 Update Changes and Increment version

0.33-TRIAL - 2021-03-28

  [Significant Changes]

  - Mostly an improvement in documentation
  - Implement "full client" test that follows
  - documents how to add Net::SAML2 to your web application
  - Numerous small bug fixes/enhancements
  - Improvements in SP Metadata support
  - Add response_status to Assertion object
  - XML::Sig version 0.47 (improvements in ECDSA and DSA and other fixes)

  [Change Log]

  - 844d0be Update Changes and Increment version
  - 7fabe59 Merge XML::Sig version 0.47
  - d62059f Add Keycloak as a tested SAML provider
  - f626fc5 Sign releases
  - 86eabae Remove space at eol
  - 64c8862 Test requires URI::URL
  - 664a0da Merge pull request #27 from timlegge/full-client
  - ab7e344 Add missing files
  - 971a951 Add missing metadat file
  - 171fd63 Merge pull request #26 from timlegge/full-client
  - cdfe47e Initial full client test
  - 1b07070 Add response_status to Assertion object
  - bcee1ea Clarify Net::SAML2::Binding::Redirect cert parameter
  - fb126f2 Merge pull request #25 from timlegge/tutorial
  - db801af Update pod information
  - 1887f90 Fix invalid newlines inserted
  - 840585a Update TUTORIAL.MD
  - 2987c08 TUTORIAL missing closing tag
  - c34dead Merge pull request #23 from timlegge/tutorial
  - cf1ac4b Fixes #22 New tutorial for integrating Net::SAML2 in your application
  - 67b9ab1 Merge pull request #21 from timlegge/issue19
  - 5377ecd Merge pull request #20 from timlegge/issue18
  - 339d5f9 Fixes #19: SP Metadata AuthnRequestsSigned and WantAssertionsSigned should be configurable
  - 9944c41 Fixes #18 - SP metatdata org_url
  - 305c587 Fixes #13 - ProviderName should be a variable
  - 68629bd Fixes #14 Improve clarity of documentaion for Redirect
  - 8c14615 Fixes #15 Documentation IdP Cert

0.32         16-Jan-2022

        Version 0.31-TRIAL with version incremented
        Significant Changes since 0.29

            1. Replace Crypt::OpenSSL::Verify509
            2. Merge latest XML::Sig

        780de03 Update Changes and Increment version

0.31-TRIAL   15-Jan-2021

        78fe988 Update Changes and Increment version
        71d67e5 Merge pull request #11 from timlegge/xml-writer
        2c6780a Fixes #10: XML::Writer requires newer version

0.30-TRIAL    13-Jan-2021

        Significant Changes

            1. Replace Crypt::OpenSSL::Verify509
            2. Merge latest XML::Sig

        Warning: This release require the installation of Crypt::OpenSSL::Verify.

        0d07622 Merge pull request #9 from timlegge/crypt-openssl-verify
        929894c Update Changes and Increment version
        ccaa892 Remove the installation of Crypt::OpenSSL::VerifyX509 from action
        36d0a5c Move to Crypt-OpenSSL-Verify as Crypt-OpenSSL-Verify is not supported
        af050d5 Merge pull request #8 from timlegge/merge-xml-sig
        91208a2 Update dependencies for Net::SAML2::XML::Sig
        359a0bd Merge XML::Sig version 0.39
        200c0ae Update some documentation details
        ed3c265 Merge XML::Sig version 0.38
        dfefef6 Remove XML::Lib added XML Declaration from Signed XML
        a39774f Copy updated XML::Sig and update name and version

0.29    12-Jan-2021

        Small release to update issues location to be github

        6a03758 Update Changes and Increment version
        08e1a17 Fixes #7 - Move issues to github

0.28    04-Jul-2020

        Increment Version for official release

        3cffcc7 Merge pull request #6 from perl-net-saml2/v0.27-prep
        9630745 (tag: 0.28, upstream/v0.27-prep) Release Version 0.28

0.27-TRIAL    03-Jul-2020

        Some overhaul of the Moose code and a couple of XML::Sig fixes
        as well as a fix to work with Perl 5.10 (Upgrade please upgrade)

        As a point of interest the external XML::Sig module has been updated
        and is now capable of replacing Net::SAML2::XML::Sig

        9afd005 Increment version to 0.27
        ccba8d8 Update Changes for v0.27
        82ed211 Update Changes
        5fe44e3 Add contributing info
        e9c3fa8 Improve GitHub Action and reduce time required
        2ecbc2b Use default Moose types instead of MooseX::Types::Moose
        ecee8bf Add predicates to Net::SAML2::Protocol::AuthnRequest
        7562ff1 Make use of builders instead of using BUILDARGS
        d46073c Specify Canonical exclusive mode for XML::Sig
        597d346 RSA|DSAKeyValue have KeyValue element
        00f6276 Reverse order of Changes file
        6f1ee32 Merge pull request #1 from waterkip/perl-510
        ca48803 Fix perl 5.10 issue with `//=` syntax
        a31840e Fix github action for newer versions of perl Checkout
                patched Crypt::OpenSSL::VerifyX509
        6c67af9 Fix perl 5.10 issue with `//=` syntax
        739673c Release does not need Docker file
        7c346f7 Update
        ce250ee Update Makefile Version
        3d65d76 Try to fix hard coded directory
        13ceb8c Update changes for version 0.26

      Some major changes in the test suite but overall minor changes to
      the rest of the module

      Thanks to Wesley Schwengle for the
      overhaul of the test suite

      15596bb Increment Version
      82a8b54 Add pod documentation
      62817ca Update changes
      c4c7db6 Remove unneeded manual dependency from github workflow
      56051db Update testsuite
      8c62593 Move testapp to author tests
      f4cec75 Remove Data::Dumper
      0d1ccd8 Small setup in which Net::SAML2 is build in Docker
      4746957 Make it easier to inspect and cpanfile
      bae12de Really need to fix this
      e399dd2 Missed a hard coded version
      09ee6f3 Hard coded directory not ideal
      ab5418d (tag: 0.25) Update Changes and increment the version

0.25  Tue, 19 May 2020 23:40:26 GMT

      What happened to version v0.21 to v0.24?

      The version of the embeded XML::Sig was higher that that of Net::SAML2
      which causes some issues in packaging so this release simply skipped the
      versions 0.21 to 0.24.  Not much else to say

      Minor changes for the most part but a requested release based on the
      removal of XML::Cannonical.  In fact that could be the only functionality
      change present.

      80db64d Add provides section of META
      8b39923 Add github action to test build
      38b05fd Make t/author/podcoverage.t a developer only test
      7473f54 XML::Canonical was removed as an option due to its age
      50d4314 t/09-authn-request.t: update tests for signed requests
      bf07c83 Generate META.json via dist.ini
      cac4ad7 Add missing pod info for Protocol/
      b260946 Update

0.20     Mon 13 Apr 2020 22:25 UTC

      First official release since 0.17
      See Changes for updates includes in prior unofficial releases

      b2af5f7 Ignore Build directories and Build archives
      4293ece Delete file added by mistake and increment version number
      bcfcc21 Embedded tabs to Space
      f792089 Protocol/ improve documentation and test for in_response_to
      f7e3965 Improve Redirect dobumentation
      474f1b7 Fix lib/Net/SAML2/ docs
      3087931 Fix up AuthnRequest docs and improve test
      4caff6b Add Contributors to dist.ini
      bd665c4 (additional-tests) Improve AuthnReq documentation
      a492107 Add link to github repo
      6fb076c Create
      963d871 (tag: 0.20.03-TRIAL) Add dist.ini
      f4232c2 Update changes for 0.20.03 TRIAL

0.20.03 TRIAL

      The following people have contributed code and fixed issues since
      the last official version 0.17 by Chris Andrews

      Alessandro Ranellucci <>
      Jeff Fearn <>
      Mike Wisener <>
      Mike Wisener <>
      Peter Marschall <>
      Timothy Legge <>
      xmikew <>

      Based on Github repo

      6657a95 Delete dynamic packaging files and update version
      225a3b4 Missed a trailing space
      12230c8 Fix the end of lines
      f353d18 Update changes since 0.17 add repo ref
      2b6f908 Update changes since 0.17
      34b7ce3 Fix #12 Some tests are always passing
      6be1c12 Fix Issue #6 - cert required in Binding/Redirect
      772f26f Fix Issue #4 - Missing paramaters in SYNOPSIS
      17e5aa4 Add additional pod coverage
      7d3a69f Fix pod syntax

0.19.05  Sat 4 May 2019


      Github release only

      b37bb43 Cleanup whitespace issues
      a0d3754 (origin/dev) Cleanup whitespace issues
      4cb8313 Bump Version
      6177d15 XML::Tidy is now a dependancy
      b034e7f Remove comments from XML before processing it
      8167478 Initial support to remove comments from XML
      894e6f3 Testing changes to remove comments
      6ecf28e nameid_format is not required
      aae8f3b NameIDFormat is optional in metadata
      a606e20 Update
              xsd:ID cannot start with a numberĀ·

      Github fork from

      9d2bcb5 Added parsing of substatus
      3d40cd9 Add validation of InResponseTo and fix a bug in assertion
      8bfc7c2 Have issuer and destination be populated for all messages
      9818895 Bugfix: due to an upstream bug, attributes parsing did
              not work when using custom namespace aliases
      4fea809 Make CA validation optional; add assertion_index and
      038d418 One more fix for namespace declarations
      dd06637 Fix namespace declarations for AuthnRequest
      cc77b85 Allow empty AuthnContextClassRef and AuthnContextDeclRef
      91509f5 Quotes
      29f74d9 Added RequestedAuthnContext to AuthnRequest
      7f459c3 Added nameidpolicy_format to AuthnRequest
      6ba6096 Added issuer_namequalifier and issuer_format to AuthnRequest
      6cc8de3 Bugfix: X509Certificate was not read when input XML didn't use
              the 'ds:' alias
      1489051 Make the AuthnRequest attributes writeable
      f37bdbd Make IdP certificate verification emit a warning instead of

0.17_06  Tue 2 May 2017


      Github Only fork

      e6efb23 (tag: v0.17_06) Bump version
      211ee5c Bump version
      b6abed4 Fix verify function to properly handle nodeset
              returns from ->find. ->find always returns something according
	      to the documentation. Check ->size to determine proper verify
	      method (cert, rsa, dsa).
      f7d26b9 Merge branch 'jfearn-devel'
      e5f3140 Clean up add in_response_to to  Assertation
      5d3256a Added support to for sha's > sha1 Fix to only grap
              the root signature, assertating sigs where breaking it Add some
	      strictures and warnings
      b0adf09 Set proper case on XML::XPath attribute
      3184145 expose xpath object on the assertion
      6f46088 - merge post_with_cert branch > Accept cert_text in POST
              constructor and pass along to XML::Sig   allows verification
	      using IDP metadata of POST data.
      45ef539 Add XML::Writer
      4e3ff81 - AuthnRequest XML generation moved to XML::Writer - Allow
              Subject, AssertionConsumerServiceURL and protocol-binding -
	      Remove requirement of Destination attribute.
      a9a7492 (origin/idp_params) Allow slo_urls and art_urls to be undef
              - not required by SAMLv2 spec
      e3ccd0d Merge branch 'multiple_sig_support'
      2596d6a use Digest::SHA instead of Digest:SHA1
      a3e3deb add additional attribute 'key' to Net::SAML2::SP
      ebd4c76 simplify $idp->format() a bit
      13bc56d documentation updates
      48fc1cb improve compatibility with simplesamlphp
      710d85d tell encode_base64 to not add newlines to returned digest

0.17     Fri 13 Jan 2012 13:41:23 GMT

      Handle the InclusiveNamespaces element in XML Signature
      Handle embedded certificate data presented without newlines.

0.16     Tue 01 Mar 2011 09:40:13 GMT

      Use the IdP's advertised NameID formats.

0.15     Wed 09 Feb 2011 14:55:28 GMT

      Handle unwrapped base64 certificate data in IdP metadata.

0.14     Thu 13 Jan 2011 19:26:46 GMT

      Add SingleLogout with Redirect binding to SP metadata
      Rename local copy of XML::Sig.

0.12     Thu 13 Jan 2011 12:59:02 GMT

      PAUSE-hide the local XML::Sig

0.11     Wed 12 Jan 2011 21:07:42 GMT

      Test Updates

0.10     Tue 11 Jan 2011 15:11:38 GMT

      First usable version.

      POD, tests, Moose, etc.
      Embeds a local copy of XML::Sig

0.01_01  Mon  4 Oct 2010 12:47:56 BST

      Initial version.

      This version will correctly perform Web Browser SSO, but
      with caveats. See the embedded documentation for details.