Revision history for Perl extension XML::Generator.
1.08 -- Thu Feb 17 20:00:24 AST 2022
[Significant Updates since 1.04]
- Fix RT 77323: escape all characters outside the normal ASCII range
- Fix RT 80273 v1.04 incorrectly escaping stringified inner tags
- Fix RT 70986 and provides test
- Move to Dist::Zilla to build
[Changes since 1.07]
- 6258a3b Update version number for release
- c9a09d4 v1.07
1.07 -- Thu Feb 17 16:58:42 AST 2022
- c70c220 Add .gitignore
- 124e36a Update version and Dist::Zilla settings
- 0f6ccd0 Fix some pod issues
1.06 -- Thu Feb 17 08:04:38 AST 2022
- 7c9d6d5 v1.06
- a676ff3 Merge pull request #1 from perl-net-saml2/distzilla
- d565282 Move to Dist::Zilla
1.05 Wed Feb 16 22:00:00 2022
- 1eb746e (tag: 1.05) Update for new release
- 0e895a0 Add github action
- f636f4b Fix RT 77323: escape all characters outside the normal ASCII range
- 423c2cf Fix RT 80273 v1.04 incorrectly escaping stringified inner tags
- 8ef1c52 Fixes RT 70986 and provides test
1.04 Fri Jul 15 08:35:00 2011
- Added the filter_invalid_chars option, which is turned on by default
under strict mode.
1.03 Thu Jul 30 17:02:00 2009
- Version bump because somebody released an unauthorized
1.01 Tue Jul 8 11:45:00 2007
- Documentation cleanup.
1.0 Fri Jun 22 16:51:00 2007
- Fixed bug #23594, "Embedded escaping does not work as expected",
reported by M. Zizka; clarified documentation and added 'even-entities'
argument to 'escape' parameter.
- As part of above fix, supplying an unexpected true argument to 'escape'
parameter results in warning.
- Fixed bug #18609, "cdata also pretty-printed", reported by Daniel Schroeer.
- Fixed bug #18656, reported by Peter (Stig) Edwards; just removed single
quotes around Tie::IxHash in require line.
0.99_02 Tue Oct 19 23:02:00 2004
- Fixed mistake in RDF example.
0.99_01 Tue Oct 19 22:58:00 2004
- Changed default behavior of 'use XML::Generator' to not attempt to export
AUTOLOAD. Removed ':noimport' option.
- Allowed more than two components in a namespace, to allow explicit xmlns:
attributes to be output on demand. Introduced '#default' token.
- Improved output aesthetics when there are lot of attributes and the generator
was configured with the 'pretty' option.
- Added allowedXMLTags (alias to allowed_xml_tags) and qualified_attributes
(alias to qualifiedAttributes) to rationalize interface.
0.99 Tue Mar 23 11:17:00 2004
- Removed automatic prefixing of attribute names when using a namespace.
- Added 'qualifiedAttributes' constructor option to emulate prior attribute
prefixing behavior.
- Always syntax check attribute names under strict conformance.
- Add documentation on using Tie::IxHash to get predictable attribute ordering.
- Allow tag 'AUTOLOAD'.
- Fixed bug with default namespace.
- More tests
0.98 Mon Mar 1 18:26:00 2004
- Fixed bug in DOM.t when XML::DOM not installed (caused by fix in 0.97)
0.97 Mon Mar 1 15:22:00 2004
- Fixed bugs in DOM.t reported by David Wheeler.
0.96 Sun Feb 29 23:00:00 2004
- More documentation fixups.
- Only check for xml() subs under strict conformance.
- Small performance optimizations.
0.95 Sun Feb 29 22:21:00 2004
- Enhanced STACKED AUTOLOAD feature to provide a default import()
- Documentation fixups.
0.94 Sun Feb 29 14:21:00 2004
- FIXED IMPLEMENTATION OF NAMESPACES!! XML::Generator is now conformant.
Note that the semantics of namespaces have changed!
- Implemented AUTOLOAD exporting to simplify syntax.
- Implement STACKED AUTOLOADs to simplify sub-classing.
- Added "macro" options ':standard', ':std', ':strict' and ':pretty'.
- Added new 'allowed_xml_tags' option to allow tags starting with 'xml'
under strict conformance.
- Documented the 'version', 'encoding' and 'dtd' options.
- Added arguments to xmldecl() to allow more control.
- Changed XML comment behavior when escaping '--' to escape both dashes.
- Fixed memory leak in constructor. Bug #4513.
- Fixed bug in t/DOM.t that caused it to fail when was installed. Bug #3220.
0.93 Wed Jan 22 10:41:00 2003
- Added 'high-bit' option to escape to allow escaping of upper ASCII.
- Fixed a test bug that assumed the order of elements in a hash.
0.92 Tue Jan 21 13:12:00 2003
- Finally (after multiple bug reports) stopped requiring that XML::DOM be
installed for the tests to pass. Sorry this took so long to get fixed.
- Also fixed a bug in XML::Generator::DOM's POD that made it look strange
on (reported by Ken Williams).
0.91 Mon Dec 11 11:33:32 2000
- Added XML::Generator::DOM subclass for producing DOM trees instead of
- New choices for the 'empty' option: 'compact' and 'args'.
- Changed the semantics of 'pretty' option; CDATA sections and Processing
Instructions are no longer subject to the pretty printing rules. Thanks
for the bug report from Murat Uenalan.
- Using closures for tag generation, which seems to save a little bit of
time. Might not be worth it in the long run, for maintainability's sake.
- Fix for perl versions that can't use 'for' as a statement modifier (pre 5.005)
courtesy of Neil Prockter (
- Some documentation fixups.
0.9 Sat Nov 18 11:13:24 2000
- Massive code reorganization to support subclassing, courtesy of
Nathan Winger (
- New instantiation option, 'empty', to control how empty tags are
- Improved internal representation for improved performance
( $gen->foo($gen->bar($gen->baz( $really_big_string ))) used to copy
$really_big_string three times; as long as the 'pretty' option is not
supplied, this is no longer the case. )
- Fixed xml() tag to allow comments and processing instructions before
and/or after the xml document.
- New special tag, xmldtd(), which used to be part of xmldecl().
0.8 Wed Jul 12 17:10:12 2000
- Bug-fix for pretty-printing
- New special tag, "xml" which takes a complete XML document and
"finalizes" it, so it can't be further embedded.
- Arguments passed as scalar refs will not be escaped, even if the
XML::Generator object was constructed with the 'escape' => "always"
0.7 Mon Jun 13 09:14:32 2000
- Pretty-printing patch from Bron Gondwana
- Undefined warnings patch from Bron Gondwana
0.6 Sun Jun 11 16:02:00 2000
- Cleaned-up, modularized rewrite courtesy of Bron Gondwana
- XML::Generator now returns objects blessed into XML::Generator::auto
which contains only an AUTOLOAD that redirects requests to the
proper method in XML::Generator.
- A new option is available in the constructor to force stricter
conformance to the XML specification ('conformance' => 'strict').
This also enables some special tags; "xmlpi", "xmlcmnt", "xmldecl"
and "xmlcdata" that can be used to generate, respectively, processing
instructions, comments, the XML declaration, and character data
0.5 Thu Sep 08 11:12:04 1999
- Fixed one lingering definedness bug
- Added escaping options to XMLify content
- Added global namespace option
- Fixed namespace support somewhat
0.4 Fri Jul 02 11:44:32 1999
- Fixed a few remarkably dumb bugs which I can't believe survived
this long. Improved the documentation slightly.
0.3 Tue Apr 13 09:11:13 1999
- Fixed undefined variables warnings as reported by John Labovitz
0.2 Wed Feb 10 12:00:00 1999
- Added support for namespaces; bholzman
- Allowed "new" as a tag name; bholzman
0.1 Wed Nov 11 20:39:11 1998
- first public version; bholzman
0.01 Wed Nov 11 20:17:39 1998
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18