Changes to Flickr::API2
2.00 2011-04-28
* Initial version, forked from Flickr::API 1.04
2.01 2011-04-29
* Added missing dependency upon JSON.
2.02 2011-05-02
* Skip online API tests unless HTTP access is available.
* Adjust Makefile META info regarding Perl versions.
* Minor other test improvements.
* Use test_requires instead of build_requires in Makefile.
2.03 2011-05-09
* Fixes for UTF-8 encoded parameters.
* Automatically retry API calls if they time-out.
2.04 2011-08-22
* added url_o support
* Update dependencies entry in README
* Add test for searching by utf8 tags
* Adjusted metadata
2.05 2011-10-05
* Added support for shortened URLs from photos