Revision history for Perl extension Geo::IP.
0.08 April 7th 2002
- This perl module is now a XS wrapper around the GeoIP C library
for improved performance. Note that the API has changed.
- Removed the geoip-lookup script, since GeoIP C contains a
geoiplookup executable that provides the same functionality
0.07 April 1st 2002
- Removed dependency on Berkeley DB - requires new
Geo-IP data format.
0.06 February 19th 2002
- Added new method, lookup_country_by_name,
performs DNS lookup of IP address for hostnames
- added O_RDWR option to tie DB_File for
compatibility (Allen Smith)
- makes directory '/usr/local/geoip' (Philip Mak)
- added binmode for compatibility (Randy Kobes)
- Mirror when doesn't find country, default to US
- Special handing for "EU" (European Union)
treat as country with coordinates between
Germany and Italy.
0.05 February 15th 2002
- Added new option to Geo::Mirror->new, database_file
- Fixed test problem with t/3_mirror.t
- Added error handling to Makefile.PL for database download
0.04 February 15th 2002
- Added new module, Geo::Mirror
- Added new default file location for database in /usr/local/geoip/Geo-IP.db
- Installation easier, Makefile.PL downloads and extracts database file
- Added geolookup script
- Removed old Net::Geography wrapper
0.03 July 28th 2001
- Geo::IP now generates Berkeley DB file from
data file, to get around differing versions
of Berkeley DB.
- now croaks if db file can not be opened (Nick Craig-Wood)
0.02 July 11th 2001
- renamed to Geo::IP from Net::Geography
- revised docs
- data separated from perl distribution, can
be downloaded from
0.01 June 30th 2001
- original version; created by h2xs 1.19