Revision history for Perl extension Business::Maxmind::CreditCardFraudDetection

1.46 October 4th 2007
	- Fixed bug in setServers if new server list is smaller than the old server list
	- getServers returns reference to an empty list instead of undef if no servers in list
	- Replaced and with and

1.43 October 2nd 2006
	- Added support for usernameMD5 and passwordMD5

1.42 October 13th 2005
	- Escape input parameters, fixed bug where + sign for telephone verification
		was not passed

1.41 August 7th 2005
	- In case DNS goes down, reset timestamp on IP address cache file,
		prevents querying over and over

1.4  August 1st 2005
	- Added support for Telephone Verification
	- Use POST method instead of GET method, fixes bug where query string
		was truncated
	- Added support for bypassing DNS using IP addresses
	- Added shipCity shipRegion shipPostal shipCountry to list of input fields

1.3  February 9th 2005
	- Added requested_type, forwardedIP, emailMD5, shipAddr,
		txnID, sessionID to list of input fields
	- Added Business::Maxmind::LocationVerification
	- Added getServers and setServers methods

1.2  July 2nd 2004
	- Added binName, binPhone, custPhone to list of input fields

1.1  June 14th 2004
	- Replaced h1 and h2 servers with www and www2 (all ending with
	- Added debug and timeout options
	- Failover if score field not set

1.0  May 5st 2004
	- original version