package Treex::Tool::EnglishMorpho::Analysis; BEGIN { $Treex::Tool::EnglishMorpho::Analysis::VERSION = '0.06903_1'; } use Moose; use Treex::Core::Log; use Treex::Core::Resource qw(require_file_from_share); my @params = qw(my_dict big_dict preterites participles); foreach my $param (@params) { has $param => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef', lazy => 1, builder => "_build_$param", init_arg => undef, ); } has 'data_dir' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', default => 'data/models/morpho_analysis/en', ); # --------- initialization --------- sub _build_my_dict { my $self = shift; return $self->_load_dictionary( require_file_from_share( $self->data_dir . '/muj_slovnik.txt' ) ); } sub _build_big_dict { my $self = shift; return $self->_load_dictionary( require_file_from_share( $self->data_dir . '/big_slovnik.txt' ) ); } sub _build_preterites { my $self = shift; return $self->_load_list( require_file_from_share( $self->data_dir . '/preterite.tsv' ) ); } sub _build_participles { my $self = shift; return $self->_load_list( require_file_from_share( $self->data_dir . '/participle.tsv' ) ); } sub _load_dictionary { my $self = shift; my $file = shift; my $dict; open my $DATA, '<', $file or treex_fatal("Can't open morphology file $file."); LOAD: while (<$DATA>) { chomp; next LOAD if $_ eq q{}; my @items = split qr/ /, $_; my $word = lc shift(@items); foreach my $tag (@items) { $dict->{$word}->{$tag} = 1; } } close($DATA); return $dict; } sub _load_list { my $self = shift; my $file = shift; my $list; open my $DATA, '<', $file or treex_fatal("Can't open morphology file $file."); while (<$DATA>) { chomp; $list->{$_} = 1; } close($DATA); return $list; } # --------- interface --------- sub get_possible_tags { ## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitExcessComplexity) this is complex my $self = shift; my $wordform = shift; my $lowerform = lc($wordform); my %muj_slovnik = %{ $self->my_dict }; my %big_slovnik = %{ $self->big_dict }; my %past_slovesa = %{ $self->preterites }; my %partic_slovesa = %{ $self->participles }; my @possible; if ( exists $muj_slovnik{$lowerform} ) { foreach my $tag ( keys %{ $muj_slovnik{$lowerform} } ) { push @possible, $tag; } if ( $lowerform ne $wordform ) { push @possible, qw(NNP); } } else { # neni ve slovniku uzavrenych trid if ( exists $big_slovnik{$lowerform} ) { foreach my $tag ( keys %{ $big_slovnik{$lowerform} } ) { push @possible, $tag; } if ( $lowerform ne $wordform ) { push @possible, qw(NNP NNPS); } } else { push @possible, qw(FW JJ NN NNS RB); if (( $lowerform =~ /er$/ ) or ( $lowerform =~ /er-/ ) or ( $lowerform =~ /more-/ ) or ( $lowerform =~ /less-/ ) ) { push @possible, qw(JJR RBR); } # comparative if (( $lowerform =~ /est$/ ) or ( $lowerform =~ /est-/ ) or ( $lowerform =~ /most-/ ) or ( $lowerform =~ /least-/ ) ) { push @possible, qw(JJS RBS); } # superlative if ( ( $lowerform =~ /ing$/ ) or ( $lowerform =~ /[^aeiouy]in$/ ) ) { push @possible, qw(VBG); } if ( $lowerform =~ /[^s]s$/ ) { push @possible, qw(VBZ); } # 3. os else { push @possible, qw(VB VBP); } # non-3. os if ( $lowerform ne $wordform ) { push @possible, qw(NNP NNPS); } elsif ( $lowerform =~ /^[0-9']/ ) { push @possible, qw(NNP); } if (( $lowerform =~ /[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/ ) or ( $lowerform =~ /^&.*;$/ ) ) { push @possible, qw(SYM); } if ( ( $lowerform =~ /[-0-9]+/ ) or ( $lowerform =~ /^[ixvcmd\.]+$/ ) ) { push @possible, qw(CD); } } if ( exists $past_slovesa{$lowerform} ) { push @possible, qw(VBD); } if ( exists $partic_slovesa{$lowerform} ) { push @possible, qw(VBN); } if ( $lowerform =~ /ed$/ ) { push @possible, qw(VBD VBN); } } return @possible; } 1; =head1 NAME Treex::Tool::EnglishMorpho::Analysis - rule based morphological analyzer for English =head1 VERSION version 0.06903_1 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Treex::Tool::EnglishMorpho::Analysis; my $analyser = Treex::Tool::EnglishMorpho::Analysis->new(); foreach my $wordform (qw(John loves the yellow ball of his sister .)) { my @tags = $analyser->get_possible_tags($wordform); print "$wordform -> @tags\n"; } =head1 DESCRIPTION Method get_possible_tags($wordform) returns the list of PennTreebank-style morphological tags for the given word form. =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item get_possible_tags Given wordform returns list of possible POS tags. =back =head1 AUTHORS Johanka DrahomÃra Doležalová ZdenÄ›k Žabokrtský <> Tomáš Kraut <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright © 2008-2011 by Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University in Prague This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.