LectroTest Change Log
Tom Moertel (tom@moertel.com)
* 0.3600 (2007-08-30)
** Misc
- Test suite for generators now emits notice that a failure may
not indicate a real problem. (rt.cpan.org #28203; thanks ANDK)
- Minor typo fixes in the documentation.
* 0.3500 (2006-05-31)
** Improvements
- Added failure recording and playback, which is great for building
regression-testing suites and for recording failures in the wild.
Both Test::LectroTest and Test::LectroTest::Compat take the
following options:
- playback_failures => file
- record_failures => file
- regressions => file
The first tells LT to use the prerecorded failures in the given file
for playback during testing, *in addition to* the normal randomly
generated cases. The second tells LT to record any failures that
occur during testing. The failures will be written to the given
file. The third is a shorthand for setting the first two options to
the same file. It is a more readable way to declare your intent to
build up and use a persistent regressions file.
These options are documented more fully in the docs for
** Misc
- I'm now using Module::Signature to sign the Test::LectroTest
* 0.3400 (2006-01-18)
** Improvements
- $tcon->dump( val, ... ) now returns val as its result so that
the method call can be used to record values in passing.
- Added Pod and Pod-coverage tests. Tweaked the code to satisfy them.
* 0.3300 (2005-07-20)
** Fixes
- Test::LectroTest can now be listed as a dependency in an
ExtUtils::MakeMaker Makefile.PL. (Thanks Steffen Müller)
** Misc
- Minor documentation tweaks for clarity.
- Minor code clean ups.
* 0.3200 (2005-03-03)
** Improvements
- You can now attach notes and variable dumps to trials. In the
event the trial fails, the notes will be emitted as part of the
counterexample to aid in debugging.
See Test::LectroTest::TestRunner::testcontroller for the
documentation on the new $tcon->note() and $tcon->dump() methods.
- Strings in counterexamples are now printed in double-quoted form.
This makes it easy to see invisibles.
* 0.3100 (2005-02-19)
- This release is identical to 0.3000 except that for this release I
did not screw up the version numbering in the distribution tarball.
* 0.3000 (2005-02-19)
** Improvements
- Full test coverage! Devel::Coverage says that the LT unit tests now
cover 100% of statements, branches, conditionals, and subroutines.
- Test::LectroTest now follows Test::Simple's exit-code strategy:
The number of failures (up to 254) is reported via the exit code.
- (!) Test::LectroTest::TestRunner::run_suite now returns the number
of properties that successfully checked. (Before it reported 0 if
any check failed.) !!!NOTE!!! This is an API change. If you have
written code that checks the result of run_suite, you will need to
change it.
** Fixes
- An empty suite powered by Test::LectroTest now emits "1..0"
as its sole output when previously there was no output.
** Misc
- Added a bunch of new test cases.
- Renamed test files: from t/001.t to t/gens.t, etc.
- Removed superfluous use of Data::Dumper in t/gens.t.
- Relaxed dependencies on external packages need only for building.
* 0.2010 (2005-02-16)
** Improvements
- Now you can mix LectroTest and Test::* modules!
Test::LectroTest::Compat provides the compatibility magic.
** Fixes
- Updated copyright notices.
- Removed use of List::Util from t/001.t. (This should be
the last use of the module. Now we can cut the dependency.)
- Renamed the test .t files to something sensible.
** Misc
- Made list of dependencies in Build.PL pedantically complete.
* 0.2008 (2005-02-05)
** Improvements
- Paste can now be used to join elements of generated lists,
which are "flattened" before pasting. For example, the
following are equivalent:
Paste( (Bool) x 4 )
Paste( List(Bool, length=>4) )
- Removed dependency upon Data::Dumper's Sortkeys method and
upon List::Util entirely. This makes LectroTest compatible with
older versions of Perl. (I tested on v5.6.1 built for i386-linux.)
Thanks Alex Kapranoff for the Sortkeys dependency report.
** Fixes
- Minor clarifying edits to documentation.
* 0.2007 (2004-09-30)
** Improvements
- You can now specify multiple sets of generator-bindings for a
property. This lets you focus on specific portions of your test
space to ensure the desired coverage. For example, if you wanted
to cover all integers but especially focus on the range [-1,1]:
Property {
##[ x <- Int ], [ x <- Int(range=>[-1,1]) ]##
blah($x) != 0
}, name => "blah result is non-zero" ;
- Generator now accepts an :all export tag to export everything
(which is what I use almost all of the time).
- If a generator throws an exception, it is caught and reported
specifically in a special warning counterexample.
- Expanded test suite for TestRunner and Property.
** Fixes
- Some of the new combinators were listed under the :common
export tag instead of under :combinators.
* 0.2006 New combinators, doc fixes (2004-09-15)
** Improvements
- More new combinators that you can shake a stick at:
Each, Apply, Map, Concat, Flatten, ConcatMap, FlattenMap.
- As usual, documentation tweaks:
- Better explanation of sizing guidance (Generator)
- Added warnings about empty ranges, etc. (Generator)
- Documented the new combinators (Generator)
- Additional pre-flight checks for Int and Float generators:
If a range is provided that does not contain zero, LectroTest
will complain if the generator is also sized (because the
run-time intersection of the sizing-guidance range and the
generator's range can be empty, making it impossible to
generate a valid value).
** Fixes
- Fixed an overly-uppity pre-flight check for List(length=>N).
- Fixed TestRunner's modifying of $" in a way that escaped into the
behavior-test part of Properties during checks.
* 0.2005 Re-release of 0.2004 to make CPAN happy (2004-09-13)
- I once had a version in Test::LectroTest::Generator but removed it
because I wanted to version only the entire Test::LectroTest module.
But CPAN rejected Generator because its version had "fallen." Crap.
So, back in goes the version number, now bumped.
* 0.2004 Documentation improvements, minor code improvements (2004-09-13)
** Fixes
- Some links in documentation were broken.
** Improvements
- Vastly improved docs: All modules now have decent documentation.
(Tutorial still needs step-by-steps, tho.)
- More pre-flight checks and better error reporting.
- Cleaned up Test::LectroTest's hack for running property checks and
end of load.
* 0.2003 Bug fix and doc improvements (2004-09-11)
** Fixes
- !! Important fix: In generator bindings with more than one variable,
variables sometimes got each others' values.
** Improvements
- Updated docs.
- LectroTest::Property now pre-flight checks for the use of $tcon in a
generator binding and emits and error in that case. ($tcon is used
for the test controller.)
- TestRunner will now catch and report exceptions thrown during
property checks:
- A thrown exception results in test failure.
- The "details" report will include a "Caught exception" section,
if needed.
- TestRunner::results now has an exception field:
- undef if no exception was thrown during testing
- the exception otherwise
* 0.2002 Documentation improvements (2004-09-09)
- Added README (d'oh!) from Test::LectroTest.
- Updated docs in Test::LectroTest.
* 0.2001 First Pre-CPAN upload release (2004-09-09)
- Major documentation improvements
- Lots of cleanups
- Reorg under Test:
LectroTest::* -> Test::LectroTest::*
LectroTest::Simple -> Test::LectroTest
* 0.1002 First public release (2004-09-08)
- Clean ups
* 0.1001 First cut