0.04005 2014-02-14 00:03:43+01:00 Europe/Berlin
corrected Encoding in dist.ini,
due to CPAN Testers reporting an invalid byte sequence in the Makefile
0.04004 2012-08-17 01:00:11 Europe/Berlin
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GitHub::Meta extracts correct Metainfos now
0.04003 2012-08-17 00:38:56 Europe/Berlin
Versions are now handled by Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PkgVersion
deleted 2 unused testclasses
0.04002 2012-08-17 00:08:19 Europe/Berlin
RT 79021: Eliminate warnings about "subroutine redefined"
* subroutine redefined warnings under mod_perl silenced
* created testcase "emulating" mod_perl
removed shebang in authortests
0.04001 2012-02-24 22:55:01 Europe/Berlin
RT 75271: AutoPrereq of Dist::Zilla found too many dependencies,
* fixed by stating dependencies explicitly
(thanks jquelin)
0.04 2012-02-18 22:04:20 Europe/Berlin
HTTP::Status 6.03 added a status, that broke this module
moved to Dist::Zilla
0.03001 2010-03-11
Fixed tests not to emit warnings anymore
0.03000 2010-03-11
Added possibility to import only specific error ranges
Added tests and Pod for this
0.02006 2010-03-08
Added minimum version requirements to prerequisites
0.02005 2010-03-05
Added Pod VERSION sections back in, thanks to ShipIt::Step::ChangePodVersion ;)
0.02004 2010-03-04
Corrected $VERSION for changed modules
0.02003 2010-03-04
Removed parent.pm - dependency
Added base.pm - dependency, works better and is longer in Core
HTTP::Request::Common required for t/05-plack.t, othwerwise skipped
0.02002 2010-03-04
Some small POD enhancements for H::E::Base and H::E::Loader
0.02001 2010-03-04
Fixed POD for HTTP::Exception::nXX-Classes (again copy/paste)
Updated README
0.02000 2010-03-03
Added "Tween-Classes" to the hierarchy (1XX .. 5XX)
Added Tests for "Tween-Classes" to the hierarchy (1XX .. 5XX)
Fixed t/06-is_methods.t not to use Plack::Test anymore
Changed HTTP::Exception::Base to use as_string from Exception::Class::Base
Added location field for 3XX Exceptions
Added message and error as synonym for status_message (compat for Exception::Class)
Fixed t/06-is_methods.t to not include Plack::Test anymore (evil copy/paste)
Forgot dates in the Changes-File :\
0.01007 2010-03-03
fixed some POD
0.01006 2010-03-02
changed EMail-Address in packages to my CPAN-EMail
0.01005 2010-03-02
removed VERSION from pod, too much hassle to keep in sync with $VERSION
0.01004 2010-03-02
still trying to shipit
0.01003 2010-03-02
no changes to the module itself, just trying to get shipit to work
0.01002 2010-03-02
Corrected BuildRequirements in Build.PL (added Test::Exception)
Corrected Requirements in Makefile.PL, thought it is recreated automatically
fixed t/05.plack to be skipped on systems without Plack
0.01001 2010-03-02
Corrected Requirements in Build.PL
0.01000 2010-02-29
First Implementation of HTTP::Exceptions