0.008     2012-07-14 00:20:40 Europe/Berlin

* allow application of MooseX::Observer::Role::Observable to a role
* big thanks to xenoterracide, who did the implementation, along with tests

0.007     2012-03-12 21:43:34 Europe/Berlin

* another false Prereq removed :\

0.006     2011-12-17 21:39:15 Europe/Berlin

* just testing whether Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Twitter works

0.005     2011-12-17 21:30:35 Europe/Berlin

* false Prereq removed

0.004     2011-12-17 21:12:04 Europe/Berlin

* right distname established

0.003     2011-12-17 20:59:18 Europe/Berlin

* wrong distname deprecation

0.002     2011-12-17 20:52:03 Europe/Berlin

* initial Implementation
* tests