
Created:      2012-11-28
Home page:    <>
Bug tracker:  <>
Maintainer:   Toby Inkster (TOBYINK) <>

0.002	2014-09-16

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Win32-related fixes.
   Graham Ollis++
 - Work around possible libxml2 bug with uninstalled .pc file.
   Fixes RT#90273.
   Graham Ollis++

 [ Packaging ]
 - Make File::Which a test requirement rather than runtime requirement.

 [ Other ]
 - Don't build python libraries for libxml2 because they often result in
   permissions problems at installation time. (And we don't need them.)
   Graham Ollis++
 - Updated: Change pattern used when searching for libxml2 tarball on FTP server.
   Graham Ollis++
 - Use static libraries for XS.
   Graham Ollis++

0.001	2013-01-02

 [ Documentation ]
 - Add better abstract.
 - Include example usage in SYNOPSIS.

 [ Packaging ]
 - Bundle example usage.

0.000_02	2012-11-30

 [ Packaging ]
 - Include a meaty gcc test in the test suite.

0.000_01	2012-11-28	Preview - just noodling really