## Changes #################################################################
Created: 2010-05-02
Home page: <http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTML-HTML5-Writer/>
Bug tracker: <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=HTML-HTML5-Writer>
Maintainer: Toby Inkster <mailto:tobyink@cpan.org>
0.04 [2010-05-21]
- (Bugfix) Handle <script> and <style> elements even better.
- (Bugfix) Include the 'x' in hexadecimal numeric character references.
- (Bugfix) Use XML predefined entities for &, <, etc.
0.03 [2010-05-19]
- (Bugfix) Handle <script> and <style> elements better.
- (Bugfix) Don't usually need to entity-encode tab characters!
0.02 [2010-05-04] # Star Wars Day!
- Improve documentation.
- (Bugfix) Makefile.PL should specify that we need common::sense.
0.01 [2010-05-02] # First release