#line 1 ## # name: Module::Install::Package # abstract: Module::Install support for Module::Package # author: Ingy döt Net <ingy@cpan.org> # license: perl # copyright: 2011 # see: # - Module::Package # This module contains the Module::Package logic that must be available to # both the Author and the End User. Author-only logic goes in a # Module::Package::Plugin subclass. package Module::Install::Package; use strict; use Module::Install::Base; use vars qw'@ISA $VERSION'; @ISA = 'Module::Install::Base'; $VERSION = '0.30'; #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # XXX BOOTBUGHACK # This is here to try to get us out of Module-Package-0.11 cpantesters hell... # Remove this when the situation has blown over. sub pkg { *inc::Module::Package::VERSION = sub { $VERSION }; my $self = shift; $self->module_package_internals_init($@); } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # We allow the author to specify key/value options after the plugin. These # options need to be available both at author time and install time. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # OO accessor for command line options: sub package_options { @_>1?($_[0]->{package_options}=$_[1]):$_[0]->{package_options}} my $default_options = { deps_list => 1, install_bin => 1, install_share => 1, manifest_skip => 1, requires_from => 1, }; #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Module::Install plugin directives. Use long, ugly names to not pollute the # Module::Install plugin namespace. These are only intended to be called from # Module::Package. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Module::Package starts off life as a normal call to this Module::Install # plugin directive: my $module_install_plugin; my $module_package_plugin; my $module_package_dist_plugin; # XXX ARGVHACK This @argv thing is a temporary fix for an ugly bug somewhere in the # Wikitext module usage. my @argv; sub module_package_internals_init { my $self = $module_install_plugin = shift; my ($plugin_spec, %options) = @_; $self->package_options({%$default_options, %options}); if ($module_install_plugin->is_admin) { $module_package_plugin = $self->_load_plugin($plugin_spec); $module_package_plugin->mi($module_install_plugin); $module_package_plugin->version_check($VERSION); } else { $module_package_dist_plugin = $self->_load_dist_plugin($plugin_spec); $module_package_dist_plugin->mi($module_install_plugin) if ref $module_package_dist_plugin; } # NOTE - This is the point in time where the body of Makefile.PL runs... return; sub INIT { return unless $module_install_plugin; return if $Module::Package::ERROR; eval { if ($module_install_plugin->is_admin) { $module_package_plugin->initial(); $module_package_plugin->main(); } else { $module_install_plugin->_initial(); $module_package_dist_plugin->_initial() if ref $module_package_dist_plugin; $module_install_plugin->_main(); $module_package_dist_plugin->_main() if ref $module_package_dist_plugin; } }; if ($@) { $Module::Package::ERROR = $@; die $@; } @argv = @ARGV; # XXX ARGVHACK } # If this Module::Install plugin was used (by Module::Package) then wrap # up any loose ends. This will get called after Makefile.PL has completed. sub END { @ARGV = @argv; # XXX ARGVHACK return unless $module_install_plugin; return if $Module::Package::ERROR; $module_package_plugin ? do { $module_package_plugin->final; $module_package_plugin->replicate_module_package; } : do { $module_install_plugin->_final; $module_package_dist_plugin->_final() if ref $module_package_dist_plugin; } } } # Module::Package, Module::Install::Package and Module::Package::Plugin # must all have the same version. Seems wise. sub module_package_internals_version_check { my ($self, $version) = @_; return if $version < 0.1800001; # XXX BOOTBUGHACK!! die <<"..." unless $version == $VERSION; Error! Something has gone awry: Module::Package version=$version is using Module::Install::Package version=$VERSION If you are the author of this module, try upgrading Module::Package. Otherwise, please notify the author of this error. ... } # Find and load the author side plugin: sub _load_plugin { my ($self, $spec, $namespace) = @_; $spec ||= ''; $namespace ||= 'Module::Package'; my $version = ''; $Module::Package::plugin_version = 0; if ($spec =~ s/\s+(\S+)\s*//) { $version = $1; $Module::Package::plugin_version = $version; } my ($module, $plugin) = not($spec) ? ('Plugin', "Plugin::basic") : ($spec =~ /^\w(\w|::)*$/) ? ($spec, $spec) : ($spec =~ /^:(\w+)$/) ? ('Plugin', "Plugin::$1") : ($spec =~ /^(\S*\w):(\w+)$/) ? ($1, "$1::$2") : die "$spec is invalid"; $module = "${namespace}::${module}"; $plugin = "${namespace}::${plugin}"; eval "use $module $version (); 1" or die $@; return $plugin->new(); } # Find and load the user side plugin: sub _load_dist_plugin { my ($self, $spec, $namespace) = @_; $spec ||= ''; $namespace ||= 'Module::Package::Dist'; my $r = eval { $self->_load_plugin($spec, $namespace); }; return $r if ref $r; return; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # These are the user side analogs to the author side plugin API calls. # Prefix with '_' to not pollute Module::Install plugin space. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub _initial { my ($self) = @_; } sub _main { my ($self) = @_; } # NOTE These must match Module::Package::Plugin::final. sub _final { my ($self) = @_; $self->_all_from; $self->_requires_from; $self->_install_bin; $self->_install_share; $self->_WriteAll; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # This section is where all the useful code bits go. These bits are needed by # both Author and User side runs. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# my $all_from = 0; sub _all_from { my $self = shift; return if $all_from++; return if $self->name; my $file = shift || "$main::PM" or die "all_from has no file"; $self->all_from($file); } my $requires_from = 0; sub _requires_from { my $self = shift; return if $requires_from++; return unless $self->package_options->{requires_from}; my $file = shift || "$main::PM" or die "requires_from has no file"; $self->requires_from($main::PM) } my $install_bin = 0; sub _install_bin { my $self = shift; return if $install_bin++; return unless $self->package_options->{install_bin}; return unless -d 'bin'; my @bin; File::Find::find(sub { return unless -f $_; push @bin, $File::Find::name; }, 'bin'); $self->install_script($_) for @bin; } my $install_share = 0; sub _install_share { my $self = shift; return if $install_share++; return unless $self->package_options->{install_share}; return unless -d 'share'; $self->install_share; } my $WriteAll = 0; sub _WriteAll { my $self = shift; return if $WriteAll++; $self->WriteAll(@_); } # Base package for Module::Package plugin distributed components. package Module::Package::Dist; sub new { my ($class, %args) = @_; bless \%args, $class; } sub mi { @_ > 1 ? ($_[0]->{mi}=$_[1]) : $_[0]->{mi}; } sub _initial { my ($self) = @_; } sub _main { my ($self) = @_; } sub _final { my ($self) = @_; } 1; #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Take a guess at the primary .pm and .pod files for 'all_from', and friends. # Put them in global magical vars in the main:: namespace. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# package Module::Package::PM; use overload '""' => sub { $_[0]->guess_pm unless @{$_[0]}; return $_[0]->[0]; }; sub set { $_[0]->[0] = $_[1] } sub guess_pm { my $pm = ''; my $self = shift; if (-e 'META.yml') { open META, 'META.yml' or die "Can't open 'META.yml' for input:\n$!"; my $meta = do { local $/; <META> }; close META; $meta =~ /^module_name: (\S+)$/m or die "Can't get module_name from META.yml"; $pm = $1; $pm =~ s!::!/!g; $pm = "lib/$pm.pm"; } else { require File::Find; my @array = (); File::Find::find(sub { return unless /\.pm$/; my $name = $File::Find::name; my $num = ($name =~ s!/+!/!g); my $ary = $array[$num] ||= []; push @$ary, $name; }, 'lib'); shift @array while @array and not defined $array[0]; die "Can't guess main module" unless @array; (($pm) = sort @{$array[0]}) or die "Can't guess main module"; } my $pmc = $pm . 'c'; $pm = $pmc if -e $pmc; $self->set($pm); } $main::PM = bless [$main::PM ? ($main::PM) : ()], __PACKAGE__; package Module::Package::POD; use overload '""' => sub { return $_[0]->[0] if @{$_[0]}; (my $pod = "$main::PM") =~ s/\.pm/.pod/ or die "Module::Package's \$main::PM value should end in '.pm'"; return -e $pod ? $pod : ''; }; sub set { $_[0][0] = $_[1] } $main::POD = bless [$main::POD ? ($main::POD) : ()], __PACKAGE__; 1;