
Created:      2010-07-28
Home page:    <https://metacpan.org/release/JSON-Path>
Bug tracker:  <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=JSON-Path>
Maintainer:   Toby Inkster <mailto:tobyink@cpan.org>

0.204  2013-02-14

 - (Bugfix) Fix `set` method which was broken in some circumstances.
   ++"Mitsuhiro Nakamura"
 - (Documentation) Add documentation to test suite.
 - (Documentation) Corrections to lvalue documentation.

0.203  2012-10-12

 - (Documentation) Minor corrections to pod.

0.202  2012-10-12

 - (Addition) `get` and `set` methods.
 - (Addition) `jpath`, `jpath1` and `jpath_map` functions.
 - (Addition) `map` method.
 - (Addition) `value` method.

0.201  2012-09-12

 - (Bugfix) Remove remaining `use Error` in test suite.

0.200  2012-09-12

 - (Packaging) Drop dependency on common::sense.
 - (Packaging) Modernize.
 - (Update) Switch from Error.pm exceptions to Carp::croak.

0.101  2011-09-29

 - (Bugfix) Fix retrieval of zeroth array element.
 - (Packaging) Add more test cases.

0.100  2010-08-25

 - (Update) Support for JSON::JOM.
 - Minor documentation improvements.

0.080_01  2010-07-29

 - (Bugfix) Fix license metadata in distribution.

0.080_00  2010-07-28  # Ported from PHP.