Created: 2013-09-23
Home page: <https://metacpan.org/release/Kavorka>
Bug tracker: <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=Kavorka>
Maintainer: Toby Inkster (TOBYINK) <tobyink@cpan.org>
0.000_09 2013-10-08
[ Documentation ]
- Document the yadayada operator.
[ Test Suite ]
- Tests for lvalue subs.
[ Other ]
- Better support for subroutine attributes.
- Change parsing technique for named subs.
0.000_08 2013-10-08
[ Documentation ]
- Documented Kavorka::Signature.
- Documented Kavorka::Signature::Parameter.
- Documented Kavorka::Sub.
- Improve 'Introspection API' section of documentation for Kavorka.pm
[ Test Suite ]
- Add tests for introspection API.
[ Other ]
- Function objects doing the Kavorka::Sub role now keep track of which
keyword they were declared with.
- Tidy up and improve the Kavorka::Signature API.
- Tidy up the Kavorka::Sub API.
0.000_07 2013-10-08
[ Documentation ]
- Documented an 'rw' trait which is just a no-op.
- Documented traits better.
[ Test Suite ]
- Add tests for various traits.
[ Other ]
- Implemented the 'alias' trait.
- Implemented the 'locked' trait.
- Implemented the 'ro' trait.
- Long overdue refactoring of the code-generating internals of
0.000_06 2013-10-07
[ Bug Fixes ]
- Fix installing of method modifiers into Moo::Role roles.
[ Test Suite ]
- Add tests for method modifiers in Class::Tiny/Role::Tiny.
- Add tests for method modifiers in Moo.
- Add tests for method modifiers in Moose.
- Add tests for method modifiers in Mouse.
0.000_05 2013-10-07
[ Bug Fixes ]
- Fix off-by-one bug failing to populate a slurpy array/arrayref if it
would only have one item.
- Fix warning assigning odd number of items to %_ which should have been
fatal instead.
[ Test Suite ]
- Add tests for non-inlinable type constraints.
- Add tests for type coercions.
0.000_04 2013-10-06
[ Test Suite ]
- Add tests for invocants.
- Add tests for slurpy parameters.
[ Other ]
- Allow anonymous slurpy parameters.
- Also populate the %_ hash for functions with a hash(ref) slurpy but zero
named parameters.
- Minor speed-ups.
0.000_03 2013-10-05
[ Bug Fixes ]
- Error message for unknown named parameters isn't unintentionally always
thrown for all named parameters except the first.
[ Documentation ]
- Include my TODO file.
[ Test Suite ]
- Add tests for named parameters.
- Add tests for positional parameters.
- Add tests for the `method` keyword.
[ Other ]
- The `default` attribute of Kavorka::Signature::Parameter is now a
coderef rather than a string.
0.000_02 2013-10-04
[ Bug Fixes ]
- Fix error finding the position to start slurping from in signatures that
have a slurpy after zero positional parameters.
- Fix syntax error compiling functions using non-inlinable type
constraints in the signature.
[ Documentation ]
- Include benchmarking script as an example.
[ Test Suite ]
- Add some rudimentary tests for type constraints.
0.000_01 2013-10-03 Preview release