
Created:      2012-12-04
Home page:    <>
Bug tracker:  <>
Maintainer:   Toby Inkster <>

0.006  2013-03-24

 - Module::Install::Credits now adds 'x_contributors' key to META.yml.

0.005  2013-03-20

 - Ensure CREDITS file is UTF-8 encoded.

0.004  2013-03-19

 - (Addition) Module::Install::Credits.

0.003  2013-01-22

 - (Bugfix) Underscores in stanza properties are now properly replaced with

0.002  2013-01-21

 - Drop Debian::Copyright dependency; serialize Debian copyright format
   ourselves; we can do a better job!

0.001  2012-12-04  # Initial release