
Created:      2011-10-01
Home page:    <>
Bug tracker:  <>
Maintainer:   Toby Inkster <>

0.008  2012-07-05

 - (Bugfix) Get t/01basic.t working again.

0.007  2012-07-05  # Bond, James Bond

 - (Packaging Update) Bump versions of some dependencies.

0.006  2012-07-04

 - (Update) mkdist now creates Pretdsl instead of Turtle.
 - Module::Package::RDF::Create is now App::mkdist.
 - The ':standard' bit of 'RDF:standard' is now optional.

0.005  2011-12-03

 - (Bugfix) use base
 - (Documentation) add 'DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES' section
 - (Documentation) add 'NAME' section

0.004  2011-11-21

 - (Bugfix) Module::Package::RDF::Create now handles '--use boolean' and
   '--use autodie' specially.
 - (Documentation) The 'mkdist' functionality should be split into a
   different release.
 - (Regression) use parent

0.003  2011-10-06

 - (Addition) Generated modules will include $AUTHORITY variables.
 - (Addition) Generated modules will include DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES in
 - (Addition) Generated modules will include SYNOPSIS in pod.
 - (Addition) Module::Package::Dist::RDF::standard to run code at user end.
 - (Bugfix) Module::Package::Dist::RDF::standard uses
   Meta::Install::TrustMetaYml - this resolves some dependency issues with
   resultant packages.
 - (Bugfix) Prevent Module::Package::RDF::Create's pod and the template
   module's pod from getting muddled.
 - (Update) Generated modules now default to using perl 5.010.
 - (Update) use Module::Package 0.30

0.002  2011-10-03

 - (Addition) Include mkdist script and Module::Package::RDF::Create.

0.001  2011-10-01  # Initial release