
Created:      2012-12-27
Home page:    <>
Bug tracker:  <>
Maintainer:   Toby Inkster <>

0.008  2013-07-10

 - (Bugfix) Support non-coderef defaults.
   Fixes RT#87638
   ++"Rob Bloodgood"
 - (Packaging) Switch to Dist::Inkt.

0.007  2013-07-10

 - (Bugfix) Fixed error: Can't call method "isa" on an undefined value at
   MooX/ line 27.
   Fixes RT#86828
 - (Documentation) Note incompatibility with Moo 1.001000.

0.006  2013-01-11

 - (Bugfix) Avoid triggering an 'in cleanup' error on some older versions
   of Perl.

0.005  2013-01-05

 - (Bugfix) Avoid triggering Sub::Exporter::Progressive's dependency on

0.004  2013-01-03

 - (Bugfix) Fix MooX::CaptainHook on_inflation fragility when Moose is
   loaded early.

0.003  2013-01-03

 - (Bugfix) Prevent MooX::CaptainHook from inadvertantly loading Moose.

0.002  2013-01-01

 - (Packaging) List dependencies.

0.001  2013-01-01  Initial release