
Created:      2012-08-21
Home page:    <>
Bug tracker:  <>
Maintainer:   Toby Inkster <>

0.005  2012-10-05

 - (Packaging) Include test case for method signatures.
 - Replace B::Hooks::* usage with Hook::AfterRuntime.
 - Replace Contextual::Return usage with a custom overloaded class.
 - Test cases embedded within interfaces now have a better (albeit still
   undocumented) introspection API.

0.004  2012-08-27

 - (Addition) Allow `requires` to be a passed method signatures for the
   required methods.

0.003  2012-08-22

 - (Documentation) Add MooseX::Interface::Tutorial.
 - Check parent interface test cases too when testing implementations.

0.002  2012-08-22

 - (Addition) Interfaces may now provide embedded test cases.
 - (Packaging) Make test cases work in pre-5.014 versions of Perl.

0.001  2012-08-21  # Initial release