## Changes #################################################################


Created:      2009-11-10
Home page:    <http://search.cpan.org/dist/RDF-Query-Client/>
Bug tracker:  <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=RDF-Query-Client>
Maintainer:   Toby Inkster <mailto:tobyink@cpan.org>

0.101 [2010-07-03]
 - (Bugfix) Possibly this will fix some cpan-tester fails, though I'm not
   entirely sure.

0.100 [2010-06-30]
 - (Addition) Automatic endpoint discovery.

0.05 [2010-03-20]
 - Minor documentation improvements.
 - (Update) Test script now checks HTTP connectivity to sparql.org before
   using it for tests.

0.04 [2010-01-27]
 - (Update) Use my new build system.

0.03 [2009-12-07]
 - Remove documentation for RDF::Query-compatible stub functions; issue
   warnings when they're called.
 - Makefile.PL compatibility with earlier Perl versions.

0.02 [2009-11-12]
 - (Addition) Implement get() method
 - lib/RDF/Query/Client.pm: use 5.006
 - (Addition) Support for HTTP Basic Auth
 - Add security notes to documentation

0.01 [2009-11-10]