
Created:      2011-09-13
Home page:    <https://metacpan.org/release/RDF-RDB2RDF>
Bug tracker:  <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=RDF-RDB2RDF>
Maintainer:   Toby Inkster <mailto:tobyink@cpan.org>

0.004  2011-10-20

 - Further optimise RDF::RDB2RDF::DirectMapping::Store::get_statements
   allowing it to narrow down the list of columns to select from the
   database when fewer than '*' are needed.
 - Optimise RDF::RDB2RDF::DirectMapping::Store::get_pattern in cases when
   all statements with the pattern share a common subject.
 - Provide warn_sql option for RDF::RDB2RDF::DirectMapping.
 - (Packaging) Module::Package::RDF
 - (Update) use 5.010
 - (Documentation) Document handle_table and handle_table_rdfs methods for

0.003  2011-09-27

 - (Bugfix) Various.
 - (Packaging) Include more test cases, inspired by RDB2RDF Working Group's
 - (Addition) Include RDF::RDB2RDF::DirectMapping class.
 - (Addition) Include RDF::RDB2RDF::DirectMapping::Store class.
 - (Bugfix) Fix blank node scoping in R2RML mapping.

0.002  2011-09-23

 - (Addition) Allow 'process' method to take a callback.
 - (Update) Support 20 Sept 2011 Working Draft of R2RML

0.001  2011-09-15
# Initial release