## Changes for RDF::RDFa::Parser ###########################################
Created: 2009-01-13
Home page: <http://search.cpan.org/dist/RDF-RDFa-Parser/>
Bug tracker: <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=RDF-RDFa-Parser>
Maintainer: Toby Inkster <mailto:tobyink@cpan.org>
1.00_02 [2010-02-05] # 1.00 Preview''
- Document SVG support better.
- Document HTML support better.
- Arrange methods in a more sensible order for documentation.
- Document RDF/XML support better.
- Document Atom support better.
1.00_01 [2010-02-04] # 1.00 Preview'
- (Update) POD NAME section short description to match description in CPAN
registered modules list.
- Fix double use of &consume in POD SYNOPSIS.
1.00_00 [2010-01-29] # 1.00 Preview
- Document auto-config in non-XHTML XML.
- (Removal) &named_graphs no longer supported as a way to enable named
graph support.
- Improve named graph documentation.
- (Removal) &set_callbacks no longer supports old argument syntax.
- Correct name of XML::Atom::OWL module in POD.
0.30 [2010-01-18] # Version 3 (kinda)
- (Addition) Add support for a default prefix (different from empty
- (Update) Copyright 2010.
- (Addition) Change set_callbacks parameters and support additional
- (Addition) Special support for RDFa in Atom (Yahoo's weirdly-named
- (Addition) Include a catalogue of doctypes to speed up XML parsing.
- (Update) Upgrade distribution to my new packaging regime (signatures,
auto-generated changelogs, etc)
0.22 [2009-12-03]
- (Addition) Allow suffix-less CURIEs without colons (optional).
- (Addition) Make xml:lang support optional (enabled by default).
- (Addition) Flexible keyword extensibility (optional).
- (Addition) Allow case-insensitive CURIE prefixes (optional, good for
- (Addition) Empty CURIE prefix can be configured (optional).
- (Bugfix) Various test case compliance fixes (passes HTML4 and HTML5 test
- (Addition) Special rel='alternate stylesheet' handling (optional, good
for HTML5).
- (Addition) Add Auto Config feature.
0.21 [2009-11-28]
- (Bugfix) Various test case compliance fixes (passes XHTML test suite).
- (Addition) Use RDF::Trine::Node::Literal::XML if it exists.
0.20 [2009-11-24] # Version 2 (kinda)
- Support for HEAD, BODY and BASE elements now optional, on by default.
- (Addition) Add optional support for xml:base.
- (Update) The graph() and graphs() methods now return RDF::Trine::Model
- (Addition) Allow various parsing options to be passed to constructor.
- (Update) Module SVN repository now at
- Support for full URIs instead of CURIEs now optional, off by default.
- Support for @prefix now optional, off by default.
- (Addition) Add optional support for XFN 1.1 keywords.
- Support for @lang now optional, off by default.
- Support for extended @rel/@rev now optional, off by default.
- (Addition) Add optional support for embedded RDF/XML.
- (Removal) Diallow Safe CURIEs in @src/@href.
0.11 [2009-01-19]
- (Update) Make named graphs handling more predictable for triples spread
across multiple elements.
0.10 [2009-01-19]
- (Bugfix) Fix broken support for XML literals.
- (Addition) Support for KjetilK's named graph idea.
- (Addition) Improve documentation and include it inline in the module
- (Update) More test cases, including XML Literals and named graphs.
0.04 [2009-01-14]
- (Addition) Include some test cases as part of the installation.
- Rewrite callback stuff.
- (Addition) Provide graph() method to output graph.
0.03 [2009-01-14]
- (Bugfix) Bugfix for @property.
0.02 [2009-01-13]
- Disable thing-described-by.org URIs by default.
- Add KjetilK's patch.
- Make XML parser more tolerant.
- (Bugfix) Fix bug in Turtle output.
0.01 [2009-01-13] # Original version